From: | ISIS <> |
Date: | 12 Jun 1997 04:42:21 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | Re: NE Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop |
The following regional workshop is one in a series that CAREER/PRO will be co-hosting around the country. Within the next year we are planning to hold workshops in the Southern, Mid-Western, Western, and possibly the mid-Atlantic sections of the United States. We will keep you informed of places and dates. If you know of anyone affected by federal facilities in the Northeast, please pass this information along to them. Aimee Houghton CAREER/PRO --------------------------------------------------------------------- Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop July 18, 19, and 20, 1997 Amherst College Amherst, Massachusetts INVITATION TO: People interested in Northeast federal facility environmental cleanup issues The Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS) and CAREER/PRO are hosting a major workshop on cleanup of federal sites on July 18-20 at Amherst College, in Amherst, Massachusetts. This event is the Northeast regional part of an important national collaboration to enhance community participation in cleanup efforts. It will bring together prominent officials, scientists, engineers, active and concerned citizens, and military personnel to strengthen their participation in effective cleanup. We are pleased to invite you to take part in what promises to be an exciting and informative weekend. During the weekend, people working on, interested in, and affected by federal environmental restoration efforts will share diverse perspectives on cleanup issues and their relationship to the Northeast region's environmental, cultural, and historical landscape. The event, which will emphasize community participation, education, and their relation to technical work, is supported by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and by ISIS and its private donors. You are invited to join state and federal government representatives; community members who live near federal facility sites; and environmental, citizen, and labor groups for a discussion of cooperative approaches to ensuring more effective and efficient cleanups. Many military and agency officials attending the Workshop will be those responsible for working with local communities in cleanup efforts, and for communicating with advisory boards. A significant goal of the Workshop is to foster common understanding and improved communication between these individuals and the members of the community. Your attendance, therefore, is vital. The weekend includes two events -- a Friday Citizen Caucus for private-citizen community members, and the two-day Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop, bringing together the full diversity of perspectives on federal cleanup. >From 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Friday, July 18, the Citizen Caucus will provide a rare occasion for private citizens to get together informally to educate themselves and share experiences. This special event is funded by the generous contributions of several private donors. Participants will build on old and develop new acquaintances among people who do not play official or commercial roles in federal environmental restoration. The attached Preliminary Draft Agenda should give some idea of the Caucus' activities. We are developing the day in collaboration with the people who will attend and would welcome your input, so be sure to send in your registration soon, and feel free to contribute your suggestions and requests. To start the weekend for all Workshop participants, ISIS will host an informal catered reception on Friday night, at 7:30 PM. This event will be a chance to relax and meet the people you will be working with over the next two days. At this time, Workshop staff will also be available to provide information the Workshop, the campus, and the local area. The Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop officially begins at 9:00 AM on Saturday, July 19, and will include training for members of cleanup advisory boards, and presentations and breakouts on issues facing these boards, including state and federal policy, funding and priority setting, environmental justice, technical assistance, and risk assessment (see Draft Agenda for details). Three case studies -- the Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts Military Reservation, and Brunswick Naval Air Station -- will give participants an opportunity to examine how such issues play out in these Northeast communities. On Sunday, the Workshop includes a real-life problem solving session, giving participants a place to try out the ideas and information they've gathered during the course of the weekend. At previous workshops, many participants report that this was one of the most interesting, entertaining, and important sessions. The Workshop concludes at 3:30 PM Sunday, July 20. Overnight lodging and meals are available at Amherst College for a fee of $48 per day (please see attached Amherst College Lodging Form). We expect that most overnight participants will stay at the College. Lunch will be provided each day, free of charge for all Workshop participants, at Amherst College's Valentine Hall. To ensure broad participation, ISIS will provide a limited number of travel and lodging stipends for community members of cleanup advisory boards. Private citizens are eligible for need-based travel assistance by submitting the enclosed Travel Assistance Application. The deadline for application is June 25, but those needing air travel should act immediately. Three forms are included with this packet -- the Registration Form, Amherst College Lodging Form, and the Travel Assistance Application. Please read through the following pages carefully and sign up as soon as possible, since space at the workshop may be limited. We look forward to seeing you there! Sincerely, Jeffrey B. Green Project Coordinator [ISIS is a nonprofit organization experienced in technical assistance and community involvement issues, and is based in Amherst, Massachusetts. CAREER/PRO is a program of the San Francisco Urban Institute at San Francisco State University and is experienced in advisory board and community involvement issues, as well and subsequent national policy and legislative issues as they pertain to federal facility cleanup.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop Citizen Caucus: Preliminary Draft Agenda ISIS has decided to hold an informal Citizen Caucus for community members / private citizens in preparation for the larger Workshop which follows. This timing is convenient, and allows us to give community members a chance to meet, talk, and learn together about their particular issues and viewpoints. The following agenda is under development. We are working with caucus participants, local active group members, a community organizer and group process facilitator to make the event best fit the needs of the participants themselves. Friday, July 18 11:00 AM Welcome 11:15 AM Introductions 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM Citizen Involvement -- Successes and Roadblocks Participants will be asked to tell their local stories, share strategies for community awareness and education that worked or failed, and discuss their experience with federal public involvement efforts. 2:00 PM Case Study Community members from the Watertown, Mass. area will present the Watertown Arsenal "success story." Participants will analyze the Watertown case for factors and events that have contributed to successful citizen participation in the cleanup of this Superfund site. 2:30 PM BREAK 3:00 PM Dual Session Community Organizing for Local Involvement Workshop to be led by an individual or panel with skills and experience in organizing their community. The goal will be to help the participants to develop their skills and strategies for community organizing. Collection and Dissemination of Information -- Maximizing Access Workshop to be led by a panel of experienced advisory board members. The goal will be to help participants develop systems for insuring that cleanup-related information flow within the community is effective. 4:00 PM Proposal for a Northeast cleanup advisors network This session will focus on networking between individuals and groups of citizen advisors from federal sites across New England. The goal of this session will be to schedule and plan a follow-up event to assure that it addresses the common concerns raised during the day and developments from the workshop. 4:30 PM Conclude ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop July 18, 19, and 20, 1997 Amherst, Massachusetts Draft Agenda Friday, July 18 7:30 PM Welcome, Orientation: Herb Bernstein -- Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies 8:00 PM Reception (catered) 9:00 PM Adjourn Saturday, July 19 8:30 AM Registration (coffee available) 9:00 AM Welcome, Review of Agenda and Other Logistics: Jeff Green -- Project Coordinator, Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies 9:15 AM Workshop Introduction: Aimee Houghton -- Communications Coordinator, Career/Pro [Note: Representative Joseph Kennedy is a possible speaker in this session.] 9:40 AM Around-the-Room Introductions 10:20 AM BREAK (catered) 10:30 AM U.S. Air Force Cleanup Initiatives & Progress: Tad McCall -- Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Safety and Occupational Health, USAF 11:15 AM Environmental Justice: Economic Conversion for the Local Workforce Haywood Turrentine -- Laborer's International Union / Association of General Contractors; National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee. 12:00 PM LUNCH (Valentine Hall) Poster Exhibit: Overview of Northeast Federal Facility Sites 1:00 PM Legislation, Regulatory Policy, and Oversight Federal Government: Linda Murphy -- Director, Office of Site Remediation and Restoration, EPA Region 1 State Government [Panel: TBA] Question and Answer Session 2:00 PM BREAK (catered) 2:15 PM Community Participation in the Cleanup Process, Principles of Partnership: Lenny Siegel -- Director, Career/PRO 3:00 PM Workshop Breakout (1) Active Bases Community and Environmental Impacts Pollution Prevention (2) Closing Bases Future Land Use, Land Transfer Issues, Economic Recovery (3) Mixed Case Downsizing, Early Land Transfer, Development Issues Concurrent Use by Civilian/Military 4:00 PM Case Study: Starting a RAB at the Watertown Arsenal: Susan Falkoff -- Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety 4:30 PM Case Study: Issues of Trust at the Brunswick Naval Air Station Tom Fusco -- Brunswick Area Citizens for a Safe Environment 5:00 PM Adjourn Sunday, July 20 9:00 AM Case Study: Otis Air National Guard Base / Massachusetts Military Reservation -- Panel Discussion: Susan Walker -- Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod Joel Feigenbaum -- Cape Cod Community College Virginia Valiela -- Selectman, Town of Falmouth Andrea Papadopoulas -- Massachusetts Dept. of Envir. Protection Johanna Hunter -- Community Relations Office, USEPA Region 1 [invited] Vanessa Musgrave -- Installation Restoration Program, Otis ANGB/MMR 10:00 AM The Use of Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments in Cleanup Decisionmaking: Ted Schettler -- Physicians for Social Responsibility 10:30 AM BREAK (catered) 10:45 AM Budgeting, Funding and Priority Setting: Lenny Siegel -- Director, Career/Pro 12:00 PM LUNCH (Valentine Hall) 1:00 PM Roundtable Discussions (breakout session) (1) Changing Roles of Science, Technology, and Expertise, identifying research needs role of ISIS, Career/PRO, and other nonprofit/university (2) Community Organizing & Networking outreach in your community, networking with other groups Career/PRO online conference (3) Contracting Issues local vs. national role of stakeholders (4) Obtaining Technical Assistance funding sources types of assistance, working with a consultant (5) Developing Tools for Stakeholder Collaborations geographic Information Systems repositories (6) Communications and Media Coverage: Bob Schaeffer -- Military Production Network 2:15 PM Developing a Plan of Action: Real Life Problem Solving 3:00 PM Closing Remarks 3:30 PM Adjourn ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop July 18, 19, and 20, 1997 Amherst, Massachusetts Registration Form [ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM] Return forms to: Jeff Green ISIS Prescott D-1 893 West Street Amherst, MA 01002-5001 Phone: 413-582-5582 Fax: 413-582-5611 Due Date: Monday, June 30, 1997 Name:_____________________________________________________________ Community / Organization / Affiliation, if any:___________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________Fax:___________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________ Federal Facility of Concern:______________________________________ Advisory Board Membership:________________________________________ I plan to attend on the following days: [ ] July 18, 1997: Citizen Caucus [special event for private community members] [ ] July 18, 1997: Workshop Reception [ ] July 19, 1997: Workshop Day I [ ] July 20, 1997: Workshop Day II [ ] I do not plan to attend the workshop. [ ] I need on-campus lodging. (complete and return Amherst College Lodging Form and return by June 30, 1997) [ ] I am applying for travel assistance. (complete and return Travel Assistance Application by June 25, 1997). ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISIS and CAREER/PRO wish to ensure that this workshop and future events address the concerns and interests of people working toward, or affected by federal facilities cleanup. Please take a moment to share your thoughts, comments, and suggestions on the Workshop. What items on the draft agenda most interest you? What breakout session are you most likely to attend? Why? What roundtable discussion are you most likely to attend? Why? Is there an issue that you would like to see on the agenda at this workshop or a future event? Thank you for your time and interest. Please contact ISIS if you have any further questions or comments. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop Amherst College Lodging Form [COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU NEED LODGING DURING THE WORKSHOP.] Return forms to: Jeff Green ISIS Prescott D-1 893 West Street Amherst, MA 01002-5001 Phone: 413-582-5582 Fax: 413-582-5611 Due Date: Monday, June 30, 1997 ISIS has reserved lodging participants at Amherst College's Hitchcock House and Mayo-Smith House. Dormitory rooms are available for $48 dollars per night, including meals. Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________Fax:___________________________ Please indicate the nights for which you would like lodging: [ ] Thursday, July 17, 1997 (for Citizen Caucus participants) [ ] Friday, July 18 [ ] Saturday, July 19 We have a limited number of single-occupancy rooms available which will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If possible, we request that you volunteer to be housed in a double- occupancy room. [ ] I volunteer to share a double-occupancy room with another participant. [ ] I will share a room with (specify participant): __________________________________________________________ [ ] I would prefer a single-occupancy room. Payment (Unless you are applying for Travel Assistance, payment is required by June 30.): I have enclosed a check or money order, payable to ISIS, for: [ ] $48 (one night) [ ] $96 (two nights) [ ] $144 (three nights) [ ] I am applying for a fee waiver. My Travel Assistance Application is enclosed. Please indicate any special needs you might have: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop Guidelines and Application for Travel Assistance The Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS) and California Economic Recovery and Environmental Restoration Project (Career/PRO) welcome and encourage a wide diversity of people and interests to attend this Workshop -- including those interested in, concerned about, or working on Northeast federal facility sites with environmental cleanup activities -- such as U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS); Department of Energy (DOE) sites. In the spirit of promoting such attendance, there is NO registration fee for the Workshop. ISIS is offering a limited number of travel stipends to private citizens who are interested in or affected by cleanup of Northeast federal facility sites. State and federal employees, and others for whom the travel is a work expense are not eligible for travel assistance. Travel support will cover transportation, meals, and room expenses only. Phone calls and other incidental expenses will not be covered. Priority will be given to enabling up to two community members from each federal facility to attend. In order to apply for this funding, please complete the attached Travel Assistance Application and return it to ISIS via fax or regular mail. Participants requiring assistance for air travel are encouraged to reply immediately. ALL TRAVEL ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 25, 1997. Applicants will be notified regarding travel awards by June 30, 1997. If you have questions about the application process, please contact Jeff Green at (413)582-5582. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop Travel Assistance Application [COMPLETE ONLY IF YOU REQUIRE TRAVEL ASSISTANCE] Return forms to: Jeff Green ISIS Prescott D-1 893 West Street Amherst, MA 01002-5001 Phone: 413-582-5582 Fax: 413-582-5611 Due Date: Wednesday, June 25, 1997 Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________Evening Fax:______________________ Day Phone:______________________Day Fax:__________________________ Employer:_________________________________________________________ I need the following travel assistance: 1. Fee Waiver for Amherst College lodging/meals (circle one): [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] nights. 2. Reimbursement for transportation expenses: [ ] I'm travelling by car. My estimated round-trip mileage is:__________miles. (Reimbursement will be limited to 25 cents per mile, plus tolls. Please note that participants traveling less than 100 miles total are not eligible for mileage reimbursement. On-campus parking is available.) [ ] I'm travelling by bus. [ ] I'm travelling by rail. [ ] I'm travelling by air. (Participants requiring air travel are strongly encouraged to contact ISIS immediately.) 3. Other (please explain):_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please bear in mind that ISIS will require documentation (e.g. cancelled tickets, original receipts) in order to reimburse for travel expenses. If you have questions, specific travel issues, or need other assistance with application process, contact Jeff Green at (413)582-5582 or at | |
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