From: | |
Date: | 12 Jun 1997 04:23:08 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | HNSC VOTES ON HR1778--Request for help |
Request for help. Please read the below posting with reference: At 07:08 PM 6/11/97 +0000, Pacific Studies Center wrote: >From: Lenny Siegel <> > >Wednesday morning, June 11, the House National Security Committee took >up the Defense Reform Act of 1997. John Spratt, Jr. (D-South Carolina) >moved to strike Title III (the environmental provisions), but the >motion failed 24-30, largely on a party line vote. No other changes >were proposed. > >Republicans (or their staff) argued that such legislation was necessary >to give the committee a seat at the table for (Superfund and other) >discussions that affect $12 billion of Energy and Defense Department >environmental programs that it authorizes each year. Democrats argued >that the committee could take part without trying to rush these changes >through as part of other legislation. > >Spratt read supportive letters from the Republican attorney general of >Colorado (Gale Norton) and Democratic attorney general of Texas (Dan >Morales). He also reported that Sherri Wasserman Goodman, Deputy >Undersecretary of Defense of Environmental Security, did not support HR 1778. If anyone has contact with Ms. Goodman, now is a good time to get Indian tribes back on the DOD list to do DOD type cleanup/restoration work at closed DOD bases. Can anyone help me on this? >Title III's provisions are a long way from becoming law. Apparently in >response to the critics, Spence agreed to hold hearings on the >provisions soon. > >Lenny Siegel Reference: >All typo's and SP are mine. >From Dept of Army to United Tribe of Shawnee Indians ltr. dated Aug. 8, 1996. Ltr is signed by, Raymond J. Fatz, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health) OASSA (I,L&E) > >...Under DERP, the Secretary is authorized to enter into agreements with certain listed governments entities to obtain the services of those entities that are necessary to assist the Secretary of Defense in carring out his environmental restortation responsibalities. Early versio0ns of this law included Indian tribes as one of the govnmental entities with which the Sec. pf Defense could enter into agreements. Section 321 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 amended that portion of DERP and in so doing, removed Indian tribes from the list of eligibal governmental entities. Accordingly the Army currently has no authority under this portition of DERP to enter into agreements with Indian tribes to obtain enviromential restoration-related services... > >This was our answer in out request to the DOD that the United Tribe of Shawnee Indians be allowed to provide the environmental restoration services for the Army at Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, De Soto, KS, pursuant to Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP), 10 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2708, as Amended. > Thanks. Jim Oyler, United Tribe of Shawnee Indians | |
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