From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:12:28 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
LETTER FROM TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL DAN MORALES Dear Representative [name]: I wish to express my concern over H.B. 1778, the Defense Reform Act of 1997, and particularly over Title III, which addresses environmental issues. As the delegate of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) to the Defense Environmental Response Task Force (DERTF), I have followed these and similar issues for several years in relation to closing military bases. Title III amends various sections of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) - the nation's Superfund law - as well as other statutes. It has broad implications not just for military bases and other federal facilities, but also for private Superfund sites throughout the country. Considering the complexity of the Superfund law, I would urge that these provisions receive careful consideration through the Superfund reform process rather than the Defense Reform Act. Section 301 of Title III amends 121(b) of CERCLA, which governs cleanup standards. The law currently favors permanent remedies for cleanups of hazardous substances because experience has shown that permanent remedies tend to be more efficient over the lifetime of the remedy. The new section ignores this experience by allowing containment, other engineering controls, or other methods ofprotection, besides permanent remedies. This change is likely to lead to greater long-term costs as well as greater risks, and if enacted may well be characterized as short-sighted. Additionally, the new 121(b) is problematic in other ways. Subparagraph (2)(A) does not make it clear whether to choose the remedy that causes the least exposure to hazardous substances, or to balance exposure with other factors. Subparagraph (2)(C) requires hot spots to be treated to the maximum extent practicable, but seems to allow containment as an interim remedy in all cases and the final remedy in some cases. Paragraph (4) requires any necessary institutional controls to beincorporated into a hazardous substance easement, but does not ensure that such an easement is valid or enforceable under state real property law. Section 302 of Title III adds a new 121(b)(5) to CERCLA. This paragraph, like several paragraphs in 121(b)(1-4), would require taking reasonably anticipated future land uses into consideration when selecting a remedy. While such aprovision holds out the promise of cost savings, it also brings complications. For instance, it does not say what would happen if the land use changes and the remedy is no longer fully protective of human health and the environment under the new use. This option has lasting implications for our local communities and should not be enacted without careful scrutiny. Section 303 gives a federal official a defense in a criminal action for failure to take a response action, if appropriated funds are not available and the official took steps to ensure that funds were requested in the President's budget. While it is unlikely that a criminal action would be, or could be, brought against an official under such circumstances, this represents another instance of federal officials attempting to be held to different standards than responsible corporate officers at private facilities. Section 304 of Title III amends 120(g) of CERCLA to allow certain CERCLA authorities, applicable to federal facilities, to be transferred to the states. It is desirable for the States to be able to enforce Superfund laws at federal facilities, pursuant to waivers of federal sovereign immunity. However, this section provides a state little more than the power to ask federal facilities toenter into consent decrees. The Act specifies no penalties for noncompliance. In utilizing these new authorities, states must agree not to enforce their own hazardous or solid waste laws with respect to the same release; although nothing but anecdote suggests that this presents a conflict. Finally, any dispute must be submitted to dispute resolution, culminating with the head of the federal agency responsible for the contamination and the governor of the state in which the facility is located. If those individuals cannot agree, the state mustpay for any additional costs attributable to the preferred remedial action, whatever the relative merits of the remedies. This is despite any evidence that states are attempting to drive up costs unnecessarily. Section 311 of Title III exempts DOD facilities from relevant and appropriate state standards relating to the cleanup of hazardous substances. Again, thisprovision sets a double standard by exempting DOD facilities from requirementsapplicable to private facilities. Section 313 prohibits the Secretary of Energy from entering into an environmental compliance agreement, whatever the cost, without submitting a detailed costestimate to Congress. While Congress deserves such information, not every compliance agreement entails major expenditures. Section 314 grandfathers exemptions for the armed services from new ozone and particulate requirements and grants the services a benefit not available to industry. Section 315 grants the Administrator of EPA the authority to promulgatea rule finding that stored unexpended military munitions are not hazardous wastes, although they might otherwise meet the definition of hazardous waste. To summarize my objections to Title III of this bill, it attempts to solve problems that do not exist and to save money that is not being wasted. It perpetuates a double standard for polluted federal facilities at the expense of the states and local communities. It seeks major amendments in complex environmentallaws in the guise of defense reform. This title should be deleted completely from this act and, if need be, reviewed as a part of the Superfund Reauthorization package, where it can be considered in the proper context. Accordingly, I urge you to delete Title III from this bill. Sincerely, Dan Morales Attorney General | |