1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Bill Smith" <WJASmith@aol.com>
Date: 11 Jul 1997 10:25:18
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: DoD Future Land Use
I am in complete agreement with you that we need an intermediate federal
agency for interim management of contaminated military property at closed
bases. I am working with other environmental groups in the San Francisco Bay
area to develop such a proposal, and eventually legislation, to implement it.
 Have you developed a skeleton proposal that you could share with us? 

I am a member of the Oakland Army Base RAB in Oakland, CA, chair of the
Sierra Club's East Bay Military Conversion Task Force, member of the Club's
national Federal Facilities Task Force, and work for a DOD and DOE
contractor, primarily to design, permit, construct, and operate new facilties
for treating radioactive and mixed (radioactive and hazardous waste.) Send
me a little about your background and I may be able to send you a copy of our
skeleton proposal.

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