1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: site2c@sirius.com
Date: 07 Oct 1997 10:56:27
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: National RAB Caucus
As a community member (currently community co-chair) of the Presidio RAB in
San Francisco, I have participated in regional RAB Caucus meetings,
sponsored by ARC, over the past two years. I plan to attend the January
RAB Caucus as organized by ARC as well. I have found the caucus experience
to be very helpful to participation in my local RAB. The exposure to RAB
cleanup problems from around the State has broadened by concepts and tools
for addressing the complex issues at my own RAB. The sharing of
information and experience is important for building confidence, when later
embroiled in contentious local RAB discussions. I believe the caucus on a
national level could also educate and encourage other community RAB members
to more effectively participate in their own RABs. I have also found the
caucus experience to be a very important in developing skills for
interacting with Federal and State agencies. 

The January RAB Caucus is a good starting point for community members to
express their concerns to national decision-makers on a wide range of
current issues. Arc has successfully organized the caucus meetings I have
attended in the Bay Area. I am impressed with the agenda for the January
RAB Caucus and I look forward to meeting and sharing experiences with RAB
members from across the country. I recommend participation in the RAB
Caucus by all community members. 

Sincerely, Mark Youngkin
Community Member, Restoration Advisory Board
Presidio of San Francisco

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