1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Greg Hurley" <GregHurley@aol.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 10:21:32 -0700
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: NRAB
October 16, 1997

-To: Saul Bloom: arc@igc.org
 and Lenny Siegel: careerpro@igc.org

 National RAB Caucus meeting-discussion papers.

I am the community chair of the Restoration Advisory Board for Marine
Air Station El Toro. I represent the Local Reuse Authority on
and utility issues and I am very active in NAID. I am a California
Registered Environmental Assessor and an environmental lawyer that
specializes in Brownfields redevelopment programs. I will be speaking
DERTF, and I plan on attending the National RAB Caucus. 

I would like to submit a discussion paper on the following issues:

A. The author's view of the goals and objectives of the effort:

I believe that the NRAB's role should be to provide independent
and support for individual RABs and their members. While at some point
NRAB might be a lobbying body to help promote programs for the benefit
of all
RABs (for example increasing RAB funding, increasing the RAB's role in
BCT, etc.). I do not think that advocacy should be our initial goal.

B. The types of activities the author believes the entities should

I believe the NRAB should set up subcommittees to provide information

guidance to individual RABs regarding technical, legislative, and legal
issues that those RABs must face. I would like to suggest the following

1. Subcommittee on the role of the RAB in evaluating institutional
(land use restrictions) 
2. Subcommittee on the role of the RAB in § 334 Early Transfers

C. A discussion of the structure the author envisions as most
likely to
advance these goals objectives and activities:

The role of the subcommittee would be to solicit and collect information
which can be distributed to RAB members. I would be willing to share
information I have developed and received on institutional controls and
§ 334
Transfers and to assist the NRAB in organizing and maintaining
on these topics.

I believe the NRAB should set up an electronic message board with
folders for
each subcommittee/issue. RAB members can post questions and read
on these issues. The message board would be monitored by the
Please post this on careerpro if you believe it is appropriate. I
any comments and thoughts on this proposal

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