From: | |
Date: | Tue, 11 Nov 1997 09:46:05 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
**** WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG FILE. **** TO: CARRERPRO BBS PARTICIPANTS INTERESTED IN FORMING A NATIONAL RAB NETWORK FM: ARC ECOLOGY >>>> RAB CAUCUS MEETING ON-LINE PRE-REGISTRATION <<<< YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A NATIONAL CAUCUS OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS OF RESTORATION ADVISORY BOARDS DATE: JANUARY 25-26 1997 LOCATION: PHOENIX, ARIZONA THE CAUCUS WILL TAKE PLACE CONCURRENTLY WITH THE PENTAGON'S DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION TASK FORCE MEETING >>>> UPDATED POSTING <<<<< --------------------------------------- Dear Fellow RAB Community Members: Enclosed please find the January 1998 RAB Caucus Pre-registration packet. The packet contains the following: Introduction to the Caucus meeting An explanation of the registration form and financial assistance available The pre-registration form itself An update on the DERTF meeting An updated but still draft agenda for the Caucus meeting Background on the Caucus Our apologies to those of you who have read some of this material before. We are posting the background again for folks who haven't seen it yet. Most of the sections have been updated. We have included information on financial support for attending the Caucus, a form for pre-registering, and updated the DERTF and Caucus meeting agendas. We will also be uploading a file shortly that will consist of the discussion papers that have been posted thus far. We felt it would be helpful to have them assembled in one file for review. As more discussion papers are uploaded and mailed, we'll be recirculating the discussion papers periodically to ensure that Caucus meeting participants have them. Finally, if you're planning on attending the Caucus, I want to urge you to send in or email your Pre-registration form as soon as you can. By doing so, you will really help us facilitate our planning for the Caucus and make the event a rewarding experience for everyone. I look forward to seeing you there. On Behalf of Arc Ecology Saul Bloom INTRODUCTION TO THE CAUCUS MEETING In 1997 Arc received funding from the Ottinger and Town Creek Foundations to host a meeting of RAB community members from around the United States to discuss the creation of an ongoing national RAB caucus. We're hoping that you'll participate in that meeting and bring all of your good ideas into a discussion with hopefully dozens of other RAB community members from around the country. A. WHAT'S A RAB CAUCUS? A RAB Caucus is a network of community members of Restoration Advisory Boards cooperating to ensure the proper cleanup of their local bases by working together to create better regional , state and national base cleanup policy and practice. The Caucus speaks only for its participants and not all RABs or RAB members. B. WHY WE NEED A NATIONAL RAB COMMUNITY MEMBER CAUCUS Because base cleanups are not going well and we are losing ground! Base cleanup is entering a very dangerous phase. The Defense Department is pushing lower cleanup standards, dirty transfers and is poised to abandon thousands of acres of contaminated property on communities across the country under the pretense that there are insufficient funds to provide timely and responsible cleanups. RABs are an important vehicle for public input into the cleanup process, but RAB performance is inconsistent. Frequently RAB members feel overwhelmed and unsupported. Further local Base Environmental Coordinators vary greatly in their commitment to RABs, so many community members feel ill informed about the subject they have volunteered to give input into. Often RAB meetings are little more than informational sessions rather than forums for substantive discussions. The purpose of a RAB Caucus is to create a network for RAB community members across the country and a vehicle for RAB community members to influence cleanup policies on a national level. The Caucus could cooperate on: > Commenting on the development of DoD cleanup policies and guidances on a national level > Advocating reasonable funding levels in Congress for base cleanup > Advocating greater oversight of contractors and reform of the process, to speed cleanup and reduce costs. > The protection of environmental regulations from amendments that reduce health and environmental protections > Sharing resources such as model by-laws, charters and other RAB administrative tools that enhance RAB members abilities to participate in cleanup decision-making > Sharing expertise and experience among RAB members, providing aid to Caucus participants with dysfunctional RABs or where community members are experiencing harassment. What we hope to achieve: cleanups that are flexible and protective of human health and the environment protection of communities from the probable adverse environmental consequences of dirty transfers effective input into national legislative, DoD and EPA policies regarding base cleanup and environmental regulations reductions in reprisals against vocal RAB members community values driving cleanup plans Ultimately we hope to see a number of statewide RAB caucuses functioning under the national caucus rubric. This would facilitate coordinated educational campaigns focused on state and federal legislators regarding policy changes associated with the base closures and cleanup process. It would serve to better educate the general public about the importance of the issue, and to empower the communities most impacted within the base cleanup and conversion process. C. WHO PARTICIPATES IN COMMUNITY MEMBER CAUCUS MEETINGS? RAB Community member Caucuses are designed to be by and for community representatives serving on RABs. The Caucus model respectfully excludes the military and their contractors, regulators, local government officials, and locally elected officials from participating in the caucus except when they are specifically invited to address an agenda item. There are a number of reasons for excluding the governmental members of RABs and their contractors from the caucuses. First and foremost is that community members of RABs need the opportunity to have frank off-the-record discussions of issues. The governmental members of RABs and their contractors tend to dominate discussions and some individuals may feel intimidated to express real concerns for fear of retaliation which occasionally happens. Finally a caucus of just community members allows those participants the opportunity to plan strategies and reach agreements that may conflict with the governments agenda and can take positions on a much broader set of issues than the Defense Department would approve of at individual RAB meetings. D. A CAUCUS NEEDS TO MEET While it's inexpensive to communicate via email, many RAB Community members aren't on-line yet. As a result it is important to have opportunities to talk over issues and make decisions. Unfortunately it is far more difficult to have a large discussion over the phone and via the mail than it is to have one in person. While in person meetings can be expensive, they can also be very worthwhile. In this particular instance RABs have an opportunity to combine the need to have planning meetings -- actual caucuses -- and to inform the development of national policy. This can be done twice a year by holding the national caucus meeting concurrently with a Defense Environmental Task Force meeting and by combining a Caucus meeting with a day of outreach on Capitol Hill sometime around September. E. WHY MEET CONCURRENTLY WITH THE DERTF? The DERTF is the Federal Advisory Committee for the Pentagon's cleanup program. It reviews and makes recommendations on most of the DoD policies related to base cleanup. The DERTF is composed of federal, state and public representatives. Its members include the USEPA, the National Association of Attorney Generals, the Western Governors Association, the Urban Institute, and the Environment and Energy Study Institute and is chaired by the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security, Ms. Sherry Wasserman Goodman whose office staffs the DERTF. The DERTF process offers an important, previously unexplored, opportunity to bring community voices to DoD planners and advisors. Its meetings are open and there is public comment and therefore can provide RAB members with an opportunity to address the committee and meet a number of the key people most directly advising and managing the Pentagon's Installation Restoration and BRAC programs. Because DERTF can be an important forum for presenting Caucus policy objectives, the RAB Caucus meeting will in-part focus on airing concerns and developing a coordinated strategy around the public comment period. F. ATTENDING THE JANUARY MEETING > Attending the caucus is free to all RAB community members There is no registration fee for the Caucus meeting. If you are a RAB community member, the meeting and all of the supporting material, are free. > What's the difference between pre-registration and registration Pre-registration helps us to access the size of the meeting so that we can prepare for it. It will also help us keep you updated on the developments around the Caucus. Registration will give us a final count on participants and help us facilitate the actual logistics for Caucus participants once they get to Phoenix. > Agenda Setting and Discussion Papers If you are a RAB community member, feel free to upload your input on the agenda and any discussion papers you might be interested to present at the Caucus meeting. A final version of the Caucus meeting agenda will be posted vial email and conventional mail in the first week of January so there is plenty of time to think about the agenda and give your input. Discussion papers will be circulated via email and with the final packet that is conventionally posted. F. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR TRANSPORTATION AND/ OR LODGING Through the generosity of the Ottinger and Town Creek Foundations, Arc is able to make a limited number of scholarships available for transportation and lodging (but not food) for the meeting. There are two categories for financial aid for attending the Caucus. The first is a stipend. A stipend is a 50% contribution toward the costs of airfare and lodging. The second is a scholarship. A scholarship is a 100% contribution toward the costs of airfare and lodging. Because of financial limitations we currently need to keep the financial awards to one per RAB. Financial awards will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. Meals are unfortunately not covered, nor are transportation costs other than airfare -- although Arc will be organizing a shuttle between the airport and the meeting. The more individual RAB community members will be able to share some of the costs of attendance the more cost we can defray for other members. Arc will of-cours e be seeking more funding, and as we announced previously we hope to be able to assure the participation of at least 50 RABs at the Caucus meeting. G. USING THE FORM TO PREREGISTER To preregister simply fill out the form and do one of the following things. >> Email: To email us the form please copy the form alone to a text file and upload it to us at our email address of >> Fax: You can also fax the form to us at 415-495-1787 >> Mail: To mail in the preregistration form send it to Arc Ecology 833 Market Street, Suite 1107, San Francisco, CA 94103. JANUARY 1998 RAB COMMUNITY MEMBER CAUCUS ON-LINE PREREGISTRATION FORM Please help us reserve your place at the RAB Caucus meeting by filling out the form below. Pre-registration is the best way we have to determine the number of packets, size of facility and rooms we need to accommodate Caucus participants. YOU MUST BE A RAB COMMUNITY MEMBER TO ATTEND THE RAB COMMUNITY MEMBER CAUCUS MEETING RAB Affiliation _____________________________________________ State ________ City/ Town _________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City/ Town ________________________________________________ State _________ ZIP __________________ Phone _________________________ FAX __________________________ E-mail _________________________ Check if you are an officer of the RAB: Community CoChair _____ Other (please specify) _____________ To participate, will you require a stipend or scholarship Stipend ______ Scholarship ______ Please check if you plan to stay for the DERTF meeting _____ Please check if you wish assistance with your travel arrangements _____ * If you don't plan on attending, but want to help other RAB community members participate in the January Caucus, you can make a tax deductible contribution to the RAB Community Member Caucus Transportation Fund c/o Arc Ecology. 2. UPDATE ON THE JANUARY 27-29, 1998 DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION TASK FORCE MEETING Along with the discussion of ongoing networking between RABs, the Caucus meeting is also intended to relate to the discussion taking place at DERTF we are presenting the DERTF agenda first. This will make it easier for RAB Community Members to review the Caucus agenda in light of the discussions at DERTF. The following is the latest preliminary material on the January Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force (DERTF) meeting. The DERTF meeting will take place at the Embassy Suites Airport, 1515 North 44th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 602-244-8800. The hotel is two miles from the airport. The Caucus will meet the day prior to and concurrently with the DERTF meeting. DoD has made several important changes to the previously circulated meeting agenda: > The public comment period has been moved to Tuesday 1/27, the first night of the meeting. The change in the schedule of the public comment period is important because it will inhibit individuals from commenting on topics on the DERTF agenda that have yet to be discussed. The public comment period has also been shortened by a half hour. We believe DoD will be flexible on this issue and are requesting that either the public comment period be moved to the second or last day of the meeting or that a second comment period be added. > The section on Expediting FOST/ FOSL of housing stock has been upgraded to full discussion from its previous place as one of 10 items under the Discussion paper section. > Several new items that have been added: Lead in Soil from Lead-Based Paint BRAC Indicators of Progress BRAC Cleanup Site Security > Some items that have been dropped: Cleanup Cost Reduction Strategies (along with any reference to cleanup cost control). Future of DERTF Final institutional controls guide If we receive anything notable about the rationale for the changes to the DERTF agenda we will post it subsequently. DERTF UPDATED PRELIMINARY AGENDA TUESDAY, 1/27 7:30am Registration 8:00 Executive session (Sherri W. Goodman, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense/ Environmental Security) note: This session was dropped, but it is unclear as to whether it will occur 9:30 Administrative remarks (Patricia Rivers, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Cleanup) 9:40 Opening remarks (Ms. Goodman, Task Force Members and Guests) 10:00 Business items (Ms. Rivers) Approve June 1997 meeting minutes Review open action items 10:30 Break 11:00 Panel presentation on protection of natural and cultural resources at BRAC installations (Peter Boice, ODUSD-EQ) 12:00 Lunch 1:15 Introduction to Williams Air Force Base Segment (WAFB) (William Nelms, Site Manager/ Acting BEC) 1:30 Presentation on reuse and property transfer issues at Williams Air Force Base (Wayne Balmer, City of Mesa Community Development Manager) 2:15 Presentation on environmental issues at WAFB (William Harris, AFCEE; Rich Frietas, Remedial Project Manager EPA; Amanda Stone, Arizona DEQ) 3:00 Presentation on the WAFB base reuse story (Representatives of the Gila River Indian Community; Williams Gateway Airport Authority; Arizona State University - East; and the Willams AFB RAB) 3:15 Break 3:45 Tour of WAFB 5:00 Dinner Break 7:00 Public Comment Period 8:00 Adjournment/ Buses Depart for Hotel WEDNESDAY, 1/28 9:00am Administrative remarks: Ms. Rivers 9:15 Presentation on long-term operation/ long-term maintenance (Army/ Navy) note: the term "cost reduction" which appeared in the previous version of the agenda has been dropped 10:45 Break 11:15 Superfund reform (EPA) 12:00 Lunch 1:30 Presentation on information management for BRAC properties (Mr. Brian Polly, GSA) 2:30 Presentation on expediting FOST/ FOSL (Phyllis Breland, OEA) 3:00 Presentation on Lender Concerns Regarding BRAC Properties (To be determined) 3:30 Break 4:00 Presentation on natural resources damage (USEPA) 4:30 Adjournment THURSDAY, 1/29 9:00am Administrative remarks: Ms. Rivers 9:15 Discussion of issues papers: Ms. Goodman Measures of merit Range Rule update Asbestos at BRAC installations Lead in Soil from Lead-Based Paint -- New BRAC Indicators of Progress NGA Federal Facilities Policy Early transfer authority RAB Disestablishment -- New Title Future land use BRAC Cleanup Site Security 12:00 Lunch 1:30 Annual Report to Congress: Ms. Goodman 2:00 New business July 1998 Meeting Other Matters 3:30 Adjournment 3. OUTLINE OF THE JANUARY CAUCUS MEETING The formal Caucus takes place on January 26th, the day before the DERTF meeting. Although we had proposed to extend the meeting into the afternoon of the 27th, we are going to keep the main meeting to one day in case the DERTF decides to restrict the public hearing to the evening of the 27th. As indicated earlier, a one day main meeting will be valuable to individuals who do not have the time to stay for the DERTF meeting. With a single day main meeting these RAB community members will be able to participate in the basic Caucus organizational and strategy discussions and leave. Informal Caucus meetings will continue to occur concurrently with the DERTF meeting so that RAB community members can react to the discussions and present an alternative perspective as a caucus if people choose to. A short wrap up meeting will take place after the DERTF meeting to discuss next steps. The Caucus meeting will be facilitated by a professional independent facilitator. Arc will produce and distribute the proceedings of the Caucus. The following is a draft agenda. Arc is soliciting input, so if anyone has a suggestion(s) please feel free to contact Arc. A final agenda and Caucus packet will be available in December 1997. SUNDAY, 1/25 Daytime: Airport Pick-ups 7pm: Dinner and RAB Roundtable -- Where members discuss the major issues affecting their RAB MONDAY, 1/26 9am: Welcome, Introduction of the meeting and its agenda, Introductions of participants 9:30 Background session A. History of the US Base Cleanup program B. Presentations: Current status of the program Health Risk Assessments CERCLA: EE/CAs, Tiered Screening Dirty Transfers Institutional Controls Lead Based Paint 11:00 Break 11:15 Presentations: Current status of the program cont. Range Rule The President's budget and Funding for FY98 Legislative update Superfund Amendments Upcoming guidances 1pm Lunch 2:30 DERTF Agenda Discussion of topics and responses, if any, from Caucus Sample topics: Disestablishment of RABs Range Rule Institutional Controls Development of Caucus statement to DERTF for presentation at public comment period Discussion of individual RAB members comments to DERTF 4:00 Break 4:15 Caucus/ Network discussion Presentation of Discussion Papers Goals and objectives of Caucus and networking Structure 6:00 Development of new Caucus structure 7:00 Review of decisions Summary of tasks and assignments Development of timeline for implementation Formal close of Caucus 7:30 Dinner and conversation TUESDAY, 1/27 Daytime: Attend DERTF meeting. Outreach to DERTF members and program personnel 1-4:30pm Spill over time for unresolved Caucus discussions 4:30-6pm Dinner 7pm Participation in public hearing. Presentation of Caucus and individual RAB community member statements to DERTF during public comment period . WEDNESDAY, 1/28 Daytime: Outreach to DERTF members and program personnel 6:30pm Presentation of Caucus and individual RAB community member statements to DERTF during public comment period (depending upon whether DERTF agrees to change time or add an additional public hearing time). THURSDAY, 1/29 4pm Summary of DERTF meeting, development of response, if needed. Coordination of Caucus report back to RAB community members. 5pm Conclusion of January Caucus 4. BACKGROUND ON THE RAB CAUCUS PROCESS A. RAB COMMUNITY MEMBER CAUCUSES IN CALIFORNIA The first RAB Community Member Caucus was convened by Arc Ecology in December 1994 in San Francisco. During that meeting RAB community members from around the San Francisco and Monterey Bay Areas agreed to work together to improve the RAB process. In October of 1995 Arc Ecology convened a California Caucus. The objectives of the California RAB Caucus were to speed cleanup toward flexible reuse, to improve the conditions for RAB community members, and to ensure good quality environmental restoration of military bases in the State. Ultimately, the California RAB Caucus grew to include community members from the RABs of the Naval Shipyards at Hunters Point in San Francisco and Mare Island in Vallejo; Naval Air Stations Alameda and Moffett Field in Mountain View; Naval Station Treasure Island in San Francisco, the Fleet Industrial Supply Center in Oakland, the Concord Naval Weapons Depot in Concord, Tustin and El Toro Marine Corps Air Bases and the 39th Street Naval Training Facility in San Diego. Fort Ord and the Presidio Army Base had members participating in the California Caucus as did Castle, McClellan, Edwards and Norton Air Force bases. Among the accomplishments of the San Francisco and Monterey Bay Area RAB Community Member Caucus and California RAB Caucus are: >obtaining the agreement of the Navy's Engineering and Facilities Activity West to allow the participation of RAB members in Base Cleanup Team and Remedial Managers meetings; and > obtaining the agreement of the California Environmental Protection Agency to expand its Base Closures Environmental Advisory Group to include more RAB representation. The California RAB Caucus meetings were concurrent with the tri-annular meetings of the Cal EPA Base Closures Environmental Advisory Group, California's version of the DERTF. From 1995 to the end of 1996, the Caucus exerted a growing influence on the cleanup process in California. Unfortunately, the Defense Department cut the funding for California's base cleanup program which in turn forced the Cal EPA to cut the funding for the Advisory Group. B. ENVISIONING A NATIONAL CAUCUS With the demise of the Cal EPA Base Closures Environmental Advisory Group, many in the Caucus felt that it was most important to organize a national caucus. The thinking was that while a good deal could be done on a local and Statewide level, the problems regarding base cleanup policy were mostly at the national level and so a national network of RAB members might be more effective. Like the California RAB Caucus our vision was that a national caucus would focus, in part, on the Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force (DERTF). The DERTF meeting offered an important forum for RAB members to participate in. Issues such as Dirty Transfer, RAB sunsetting, RAB guidance, Institutional Controls, UXO and Health Risk Assessments are discussed there. Although the meetings are open to the public no one had attempted previously to bring RAB Community members to it. Although RAB members are the members of the public with the most direct exposure to the DoD local cleanup program, only two RAB community members spoke at the DERTF meeting in Anniston Alabama. Despite the impacts the DoD policies discussed at the DERTF meetings have on the environment and public health, the meetings have a significant lack of grounding in the community interests their decisions affect. Bringing RAB community members to DERTF would provide sobering input to the discussions and more practical solutions to ma ny of the problems DoD is encountering in cleanup. To implement the proposal, Arc set about fundraising to get that process going. In the spring of this year, Arc received funding from the Ottinger and Town Creek Foundations to begin organizing. 5. A WORD ABOUT ARC ECOLOGY Arc Ecology is a public interest nonprofit organization focused on the impacts of the military on the environment, economy and international security. Arc Ecology has been involved in the military toxics and base cleanup issue since 1984. Arc Ecology has a technical staff and volunteers are made up of environmental scientists, economist planners, and community organizers. Arc is represented on six RABs in the San Francisco Bay Area and works with many more around the country. Arc also provides technical support to grassroots base cleanup campaigns in the Philippines, England, Wales, Scotland and Okinawa. 6. SUMMARY: GET INVOLVED WITH THE CAUCUS For RAB community members concerned about their RABs and the outcome of the cleanup of military bases, the February Caucus and DERTF meetings offer an opportunity to come together, develop strategies and make our issues known. It offers a real and direct way for RAB members to begin to affect national policy while working in a positive, supportive and educational Caucus environment. It offers an opportunity to build an ongoing, substantive network of RAB community members that will provide the resources to succeed at home and to coordinate to succeed nationally. Hope to see you there. | |
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