1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Richard Hugus <rhugus@cape.com>
Date: 12 Jan 1998 14:31:24
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: History of Struggle at Cape Impact Area
In response to postings from Peter and Ted, the military, EPA,
and communities affected by bases are not like three parties
involved in the difficult process of some sort of democratic
conflict resolution. The military is an anantagonistic,
aggressive power imposing its will, its interests, its agenda,
and the agenda of the powers it serves, on communities who, but
for intense prior indoctrination domestically, or brute power
elsewhere, would physically overthrow the bases in their
environs both for what they represent and for the harm they have

The United States enforces an empire in America as much as in
Haiti or Central America, or the Phillipines, and the military
is the agent of that empire in both places alike. From this
prerspective the idea that both sides-the military and the
communities-have equally valid claims that need to be worked
out, is absurd.

The Army did not agree to a cease fire at Camp Edwards
willingly. It was forced to do it, and it has every intention of
undoing EPA's cease fire order as soon as it can. This is not
dispute resolution. This is war.

Richard Hugus
Otis Conversion Project

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