1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Center for Public Environmental Oversight <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:49:45 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: BADCAT Lead Paint Technology Solicitation
BADCAT Environmental Technology Partnership



DEADLINE: June 1, 1998

Announcement of Need

The Bay Area Defense Conversion Action Team Environmental Technology
Partnership (BADCAT ETP) seek innovative and emerging soil remediation
technologies for field demonstrations at former Naval facilities in the
San Francisco Bay Area.

BADCAT ETP will provide an opportunity for selected technology providers

to demonstrate the effectiveness of new remediation technologies to
address lead paint in soil, particularly in residential settings, that
may improve upon cost effectiveness while effectively mitigating
exposure. Consideration will be given to both in situ and ex situ
treatment technologies. The type of technologies that will be considered

include but are not limited to: soil washing, chemical treatment,
recovery and recycling, and solidification/stabilization.

The BADCAT ETP is a public-private collaboration of Bay Area Economic
Forum (BAEF), Bay Area regional Technology Alliance (BARTA), California
Environmental Protection Agency, United States Environmental Protection
Agency, United States Navy, Chevron Research and Technology Co., San
Francisco State University's CAREER/PRO, and other regional technical
experts working to help expedite transfer of Bay Area closing bases by
integrating new environmental technologies into the remediation
process. This is a cooperatively resourced project and proposers will
be expected to self-fund primary demonstration services. Local or
California companies, or those willing to relocate or establish
satellite offices in the Bay Area will be given preference.

Screening: Phase I and Phase II

Selection of technologies is a two phase, independent peer review
process. During Phase I, a Prescreen Board reviews preproposals to
determine eligibility, technology feasibility, innovativeness, and
demonstration benefits. A number of technology providers from the Phase
I preproposal solicitation are then invited to prepare a Phase II final
proposal. The Phase II proposal package includes final proposal
requirements, demonstration site descriptions, and an invitation to
attend a technical conference for a hands-on discussion of the
demonstration sites and the overall program. The Phase II package also
includes demonstration work plan template so that technology providers
can anticipate preparation of a demo work plan, which includes a data
quality management and analysis plan, if selected for demonstration.

During Phase II, a Selection Board reviews Phase II final proposals. All

selections will be final and appeals will not be accepted. BADCAT and
BARTA will address any questions and concerns.

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