1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Center for Public Environmental Oversight <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 09:58:24 -0700
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: San Francisco NIEHS Minority Worker Training Job Fair
April 8 Fair Will Match Up Students With Jobs

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)-Minority

Worker Training Program will hold a job fair April 8 to help match up
students and graduates from San Francisco with prospective employers.
The young people in the program come from many San Francisco
neighborhoods, including Bayview Hunters Point, Visitacion Valley, the
Mission District, Chinatown, the Western Addition, Oceanview, Merced and


The job fair will be held at the City College of San Francisco's Evans
Street campus, 1400 Evans St., 2nd Floor, Room 227 between 9 a.m. and 2
p.m. Companies interested in participating in the job fair can contact
Lanita Hopkins, the program's job developer, at 415-239-7645.

The NIEHS-Worker Training Program -- funded by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's Superfund program -- is part of a national program
to recruit and train young people living near hazardous waste sites or
contaminated properties for work in the environmental field and general
construction. Nationally, the program is administered and supported by
the Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund. In San Francisco, the
consortium that operates the San Francisco NIEHS-Minority Worker Program

includes Chinese for Affirmative Action, Ella Hill Hutch Community
Mission Hiring Hall/South of Market Employment Center, Young Community
Developers and the San Francisco Urban Institute at San Francisco State

The goal of the program is to place young people of ethnic minority
background from San Francisco in jobs related to environmental cleanup
and/or construction. The program includes training in job readiness,
general construction, hazardous materials handling, asbestos removal and

lead abatement, as well as job placement assistance. At the conclusion
of training in late April, students will receive nationally recognized
certification in asbestos removal, lead abatement and hazardous waste


Tony Chenhansa
Brownfields Project Assistant
Center for Public Environmental Oversight (Formerly known as CAREER/PRO)

A program of the San Francisco Urban Institute
425 Market Street 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: 415-904-7751
fax: 415-904-7765
e-mail: cpro@igc.org

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