1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Arc Ecology <arc@igc.org>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 14:32:48 -0700
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Electronic Report on the 1/25-1/26 1997 Meeting of the National
Electronic Report On
The National Caucus Of Community Members
Of Restoration Advisory Boards

January 25-26 1997 Meeting,Phoenix, Arizona

Executive Summary

** Caucus participants called on DoD to give RABs a say in the
of RAB adjournment policies

** Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Cleanup)
agrees to reconsider DoD policy on RAB adjournment

** RAB community members to sit on Defense Environmental Restoration
Force panel on RAB adjournment

** Caucus participants endorsed continuing Arc Ecology's role as

** Caucus participants agreed to open process to all members of "citizen

advisory boards" (including RABs, CABs, SSABs, TRCs and other citizens
advisory committees) overseeing pollution remediation and source
on military bases and military toxic sites.

** Caucus participants agreed to a July 21 regional Caucus in Greater
Chicago area to dovetail with July 22-24 meeting of Defense
Response Task Force.

** Caucus participants agree to a National RAB Caucus founding
scheduled for September 12-15, 1998 in Washington DC.

** Caucus members call on DoD to release list of RAB community members

** Town Creek Foundation agrees to fund organizing of September 1998
National RAB Caucus organizing.

"This [the Caucus] is the first time citizens living near military
installations have joined together to try to influence national policy
how the military conducts its cleanups...Pat Rivers, who heads DoD's
program and chaired this particular DERTF meeting, announced that in
response to citizen concern, DoD would seek wide public comment before
developing a RAB adjournment policy."
 Defense Environment Alert (an industry newsletter)

I. Proceedings Synopsis

On January 25-26 1997, 40 RAB Community Members from 35 RABs from
the country participated in the first national meeting of RAB community
members. The Caucus was extremely successful. Interest in the Caucus
exceeded Arc Ecology's expectations for the first round of organizing.
registrants came from twenty four states including Alaska, Washington,
Colorado, Florida, Texas, Maine, California and Massachusetts. Town
and Ottinger Foundations provided scholarships for 25 RAB Community
to participate in Caucus. A number of individuals paid their own way at
great expense to attend the meeting. Two individuals paid their own way

from Anchorage Alaska. From the results we are absolutely convinced that
more RAB members were made aware of the Caucus process they would be
to participate.

The following is a synopsis of the January meeting of the National
Caucus of
Community Members of Restoration Advisory Boards. Copies of the "DRAFT
distributed to all National RAB Caucus meeting participants and are free
reproducible by and for all RAB Community Members. Individuals and
organizational entities who are not Community Members of RABs may obtain

copies of the Workplan for $50/US by writing to Arc Ecology. Nonprofit,
nongovernmental, public interest organization can obtain discounted
of the Workplan.

II. Caucus Decisions

Most Caucus attendees participated in the entire Caucus meeting and the
first day of the Defense Environmental Response Task Force (DERTF)
conference. Fully one third of the Caucus participants stayed for the
entire DERTF conference. While the bulk of decisions made by the Caucus
occurred during the January 26 meeting, the Caucus agreed to continue to

meet and make decisions through the conclusion of the DERTF sessions.
Caucus decisions made during the Caucus meeting and DERTF are reflected
this report. Participants in the Caucus meeting agreed to continue the
organization of a National Caucus of RAB Community Members through the
National RAB Caucus Convention being organized by Arc Ecology for
1998. At the Convention, RAB members will decide on whether to
Caucus into an ongoing effort.


Interim Structure

** Caucus participants endorsed Arc Ecology's role as Secretariat
through at
least the September Caucus meeting

** Caucus participants agreed to open process to all members of "citizen

advisory boards" (including RABs, CABs, SSABs, TRCs and other citizens
advisory committees) overseeing pollution remediation and source
on military bases and military toxic sites.

July Regional Caucus/ DERTF Meeting

** Caucus participants agree to the organization of a regional Caucus
meeting around the July 1998 meeting of DERTF in Chicago in anticipation
the September meeting.

** At the last meeting of the January Caucus it was decided that there
only be a small delegation of representatives from the January Caucus/
meeting attending the July DERTF meeting to save money for scholarships
the September meeting.

September National Caucus Convention In Washington DC

** Arc Ecology is responsible for organizing committees of Caucus
participants to participate in the design and implementation of the
September meeting. To facilitate this process Arc is to distribute
proposals for feedback.

RAB Outreach

** Caucus participants call on DOD to release list of RAB community
to public.

** Caucus participants endorse Arc's efforts to obtain list of RAB

** Caucus participants agreed to visit RABs near their bases to make
with other Community members, acquaint them with the Caucus and attempt
gain access to the RABs mailing list so that Arc can conduct further

NABER & On-Line RAB Library

** In addition to efforts to organize a National RAB Community Member
Caucus, Caucus participants agreed to support the implementation of an
electric information library, potentially on Careerpro, and to
in the development of a NABER type body (if the proposal moves forward).

Caucus participants agreed that the NABER proposal and the National RAB
Caucus were not mutually exclusive and that the Caucus members could
run for positions or run a platform for a NABER board if one is created.

III. The January 27-29, 1998 Meeting Of The Defense Environmental
Task Force

The Caucus meeting dovetailed with the January meeting of the Defense
Environmental Response Task Force. Members of the DERTF made it very
that they were really impressed with the showing. They began to adopt
participant imagery in their discussions and our participation added a
of reality to their discussions.

A. Caucus Decisions

Participants in the Caucus meeting agreed to develop a common set of
comments to DERTF to be presented in addition to the testimony presented
individuals RAB community members.

Highlights Of RAB Input To The Defense Environmental Response Task Force

1. The Caucus requested that all discussion information papers be
distributed as they become available to the community and installation
CO-chairs for distribution to all RAB members.

2. All draft decision documents and DERTF annual report to Congress
be distributed to RABs for comment 60 days in advance of any decision.

3. Responses to RAB Caucus comments should be reflected in decision

4. RAB Community Members should be able to attend and participate in
Base Closure Team/ Remedial Project Team meetings

5. RABs, LRAs and BCT/RPTs should work more closely together

6. RABs should have a say in the development of RAB adjournment

7. Regarding the sunsetting or adjournment of RABs, the Caucus believes

RABs should remain involved if DoD has any active environmental
responsibilities at a site. There are at least three primary continuing
future roles for RABs:
 - oversight of remedial actions
 - oversight of O&M activities
 - monitoring early transfer agreements
These roles should be memorialized in an MOA (oversight agreement).

8. UXO should be addressed as a toxic threat, not just as an explosive

9. The Caucus requests full disclosure of history of use of
from radioactive waste and radioactive munitions including depleted
chemical warfare materials and biological warfare materials.

10. The Caucus requests that the DoD live up to the commitments made in
FFERDC process
such as
 - partnerships
 - good faith agreements
 - sharing of information
 - diversity and environmental justice

11. The Caucus requests that DoD ensures that RAB members be involved
the budgeting process.

12. The Caucus requests clarity on the enforcement and implementation
institutional controls.

B. DERTF Actions in Response to Caucus Input

** DERTF extends public comment to two days. Fifteen RAB Community
testify before DERTF.

** Patricia Rivers, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Environmental Cleanup) agrees to reconsider DOD policy on RAB

** Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force agrees to ask RAB
members to
participate on panel at July Chicago DERTF meeting on RAB adjournment, a

first for DERTF.

C. Defense Environmental Response Task Force Decisions Requiring Caucus

Follow-Up (These And Other Issues Are Addressed In The Draft Workplan)

** DoD agreed to reconsider its policy on RAB adjournment as a result of
request from the RAB Caucus, the Caucus should provide DoD with a
suggestion on the contents of that policy.

** Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force agreed to ask RAB
members to
participate on panel at July Chicago DERTF meeting on RAB adjournment, a

first for DERTF.

IV. Caucus Participant List

A. Resource People & Speakers

Saul Bloom, Director, Arc Ecology, Community Member: Oakland and
Army Bases RABs
Sam Goodhope, National Association of Attorney Generals representative
Don Gray, Energy and Environment Research Institute, Environmental
representative to DERTF
Curt Gandy, Fort Ord Toxics Project, Community Member: Fort Ord RAB
Aimee Houghton, Careerpro
Greg Hurley, Community CoChair: El Toro RAB
Christine Shirley, Staff Scientist, Arc Ecology, Community Member:
Point and Treasure Island RABs

Facilitator - Doug Kern (Presidio Army Base and Hunters Point Naval
Shipyard RAB)
Arc Ecology Support Staff - Jeff Lehman, Staff Associate

B. RABS With Community Members Participating In The January Caucus

NOAA/ Adak Naval Facility, Anchorage, AK
Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, AZ
Tucson Int. Airport Area Super Fund Site, Tucson, AZ
Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA
Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, CA
Fort Ord Army Base, Marina/Seaside, CA
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, CA
Long Beach Naval Complex, Long Beach, CA
Mather Air Force Base, Rancho Cordova, CA
Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, Orange County, CA
McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, CA
Oakland Army Base, Oakland, CA
Presidio Army Base, San Francisco, CA
Point Molate Naval Fuel Depot, Richmond, CA
Treasure Island Naval Station, San Francisco, CA
Fort Carson Army Base, Colorado Springs, CO
Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Adams County, CO
Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Jacksonville, FL
Westover Air Reserve Base, Westover, MA
Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Lexington, MD
Naval Air Station Brunswick, Brunswick, ME
Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, St. Paul, MN
Vance Air Force Base, Enid, OK
Aberdeen Proving Ground (Army), Edgewood, MD
Grand Forks Air Force Base, Grand Forks, ND
Fort Campbell, Army Base, Clarksville, TN
Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio,TX
US Army Fort Bliss, El Paso, TX
Hill Air Force Base, Ogden, UT
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA
Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Norfolk, VA
Keyport Naval Undersea Training Center/ Liberty Bay, Keyport, WA
Fairchild Air Force Base / Washington Air Guard, Spokane, WA

V. Finalized RAB Caucus Agenda

Monday, 1/26

9am: Welcome, Introduction of the meeting and its agenda, Introductions
9:30 Background session
A.History of the US Base Cleanup program
 A short oral history of how the DoD cleanup program came into being
 Don Gray -- Administrative and Legislative History (5 min)
 Sam Goodhope -- The Role of the States (5 min)
 Saul Bloom -- Community Involvement (5 min)
B.Presentations: Current status of the program
1) Health Risk Assessments, CERCLA: EE/CAs, Tiered Screening (20 min)
 A Community Members Briefing on Risk Assessment
 Christine Shirley -- Arc Ecology Environmental Scientist
2) Dirty Transfers (20 min)
 What are Dirty Transfers and The Implications For Communities/Gov.

Sam Goodhope -- Texas Attorney General's Office
3) Institutional Controls (20 min)
 Do Institutional Controls Work
 Greg Hurley -- El Toro RAB Community CoChair
11:00 Break
11:15 Background session cont.
C.Presentations: Current status of the program cont.
1) Range Rule (20 min)
 A Report on the Status of the Discussion
 Ted Henry -- University of Maryland Department of Toxicology
 Curt Gandy -- Fort Ord Toxics Coalition
2) The President's budget and Funding for FY98 (20 min)
 Saul Bloom -- DoD's Budgetary Strategy
3) Superfund Amendments (20 min)
 Don Gray -- DERTF, Energy and Environment Study Institute
4) Upcoming Legislation and Guidances (20 min)
 Aimee Houghton -- Careerpro
 Don Gray -- DERTF, Energy and Environment Study Institute
5) Lead Based Paint (15 min)
 A Community Members Briefing on Lead Based Paint
 Christine Shirley -- Arc Ecology Environmental Scientist
1pm Lunch
2:30 DERTF Agenda - Discussion of topics and responses, if any, from
A.Briefing on DERTF Meeting
1) History and Role of DERTF -- Don Gray
2) Working with DERTF -- Sam Goodhope
3) Critical Issues on DERTF Agenda -- Don Gray and Sam Goodhope
 Disestablishment of RABs
 Range Rule
 Institutional Controls
B.Development of Caucus statement to DERTF for presentation at public
comment period
C.Discussion of individual RAB members comments to DERTF
4:00 Break
4:15 Caucus/ Network discussion
A.Presentation of Discussion Papers
1) Greg Hurley -- Caucus structure and activities (15 min)
2) Aimee Houghton -- NABER (15 min)
3) Saul Bloom -- Caucus structure and activities (15 min)
B.Goals and objectives of Caucus and networking
6:00 Development of new Caucus structure
7:00 Review of decisions
A.Summary of tasks and assignments
B.Development of timeline for implementation
C.Formal close of Caucus
7:30 Dinner and conversation

VI. DERTF Agenda

Tuesday, 1/27

7:30am Registration
8:00 Executive session
9:30 Administrative remarks
 Shah Choudhury, Office of the Secretary of Defense,
9:40 Opening remarks
 Patricia Rivers, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Cleanup,
Force Members
10:00 Business items (Ms. Rivers)
 Approve June 1997 meeting minutes
 Review open action items
 Review status of DERTF Recommendations
10:30 Break
10:45 Panel presentation on protection of natural and cultural
at BRAC installations - Donald Conlon, Army Corps of Engineers; Dr.
Murphy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy [I&E]; Dicarlo
Ciccell, Air Force Base Conversion Agency; Stephanie Stevenson,
US Air Force/ ILEVP; Charlene Vaughn, Advisory Concil on Historic
11:45 Lunch
1:15 Introduction to Williams Air Force Base Segment (WAFB) -
Nelms, Site Manager/ Acting BEC
1:30 Presentation on environmental issues at WAFB - Dr. William
Texas A&M University; Dr. Barbara Smith, Regional Project Manager, EPA;
Jerry Gless, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Lou Minkler,
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Leonard Fuchs, Williams AFB
1:30 Presentation on reuse and property transfer issues at Williams
Force Base - Wayne Balmer, City of Mesa Community Development Manager
3:00 Presentation on the WAFB base reuse story - James Burke, the
River Indian Community; Lynn Kusy, Williams Gateway Airport Authority;
Charles Backus, Arizona State University - East
3:15 Break
3:45 Tour of WAFB
5:00 Dinner Break
7:00 Public Comment Period
8:00 Adjournment/ Buses Depart for Hotel

Wednesday, 1/28

9:00am Administrative remarks - Ms. Rivers
9:15 Presentation on Optimization of long-term operation and
monitoring -
Lynn Strauss, Navy; Jim Daniels, Army
10:30 Presentation on AFBCA Site Closeout Efforts - John Smith, Air
Base Conversion Agency
10:45 Break
11:15 Superfund reform and Reauthorization (Jim Woolford, EPA)
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Presentation on information management for BRAC properties -
2:30 Presentation on expediting FOST/ FOSL - Phyllis Breland, OEA
3:00 Break
3:30 Presentation on Lender Concerns Regarding BRAC Properties -
Laws, Patton Boggs; Brad White, PMA, Michael McGinley, Mellon Bank;
Kirwan, Averback Environmental
5:00 Adjournment

Thursday, 1/29

9:00am Administrative remarks - Mr. Choudhury
9:15 Discussion of issues papers - Ms. Rivers
 Measures of merit
 BRAC Indicators of Progress
 Range Rule update
 Asbestos at BRAC installations
 Lead in Soil from Lead-Based Paint
 NGA Federal Facilities Policy
 Early transfer authority
 RAB Adjournment
 Future land use
 BRAC Cleanup Site Security
 FOST/ FOSL Review
 Natural Resources Damages
 Presumptive Remedies
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Annual Report to Congress - Ms. Rivers
2:00 New business - Ms. Rivers
 July 1998 Meeting
 Other Matters
3:30 Adjournment


Tony Chenhansa
Brownfields Project Assistant
Center for Public Environmental Oversight (Formerly known as CAREER/PRO)

A program of the San Francisco Urban Institute
425 Market Street 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: 415-904-7751
fax: 415-904-7765
e-mail: cpro@igc.org

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