1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Peter Schlesinger <pschles@whrc.org>
Date: 05 Aug 1998 14:55:12
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Explosive Compound Detection Methods
Wednesday, August 5, 1998


I am a citizen member on the Massachusetts Military Reservation's (MMR)
Impact Area Groundwater Study Review Team. I need information on the
differences between EPA 8330, EPA 8515, CHPPMs (listed below) and
something our contractor calls the CRREL (field screening colorimetric
technique -- the acronym they use is CRRSCT) used to assay TNT, DNT,
RDX, and HMX. As we are reviewing the Phase I draft completion of work
report here, I wanted to know more from sources other than the
contractor. The Phase I draft report recommends a cessation of the use
of both the 8515 and CRREL methodologies for assaying TNT etc, largely
because of its supposed failure to adequately deal with low
concentrations of explosives. I am skeptical because disallowing this
without what I consider good scientific evidence, would let the Army
National Guard off the hook for hundreds of what they consider to be
'false positive' detections. The contractor's draft report offers no
such evidence.

A source has told me that soil and groundwater testing at APG had
switched from EPA 8330 to CHPPM SOPs. This peaked my curiosity, because
I was told that the reason for the switch at APG is that the CHPPM
protocols are supposed to better qualitatively and quantitatively for
detecting low concentrations of explosive compounds. Why that's the
reason given here on Cape Cod to move to and rely heavily on EPA 8330 as
the only reliable method for our groundwater study. What's going on

I looked all over the web and found some about EPA 8330, and one
evaluation between 8515 and 8330, but no real description of 8515. I
found no good descriptions of why the CHPPMs might differ with other
methods. What information does anyone have about any assessment of EPA
8330, 8515, the CHPPMs, and CRREL colorimetric techniques? Are CHPPM's
SOP#-CAD4.2, and SOP#-CAD8.1 better in any way than EPA 8330?

What are other protocols being used for TNT, DNT, RDX, and HMX? Why
should we at MMR in EPA Region I be using one protocol while those at
APG in EPA Region III are using another? Is anyone aware of any
independent general evaluation of explosive assessment protocols? Is
anyone aware of a similar discussion of this topic at other bases where
cleanups are ongoing?

The CHPPM SOPs used at APG for TNT and DNT, and RDX/HMX are:
CHPPM, Chromatographic Analysis Division Standard Operating Procedure:
Analytical Procedure for Low-Level explosives in Water (SOP
Number - CAD4.2) and ....Procedure: Analysis of Nitroaromatics and
Degradation Products in Ground and Drinking Water (SOP Number - CAD 8.1)

Looking forward to your response(s). Thanks much.

Peter Schlesinger
Peter Schlesinger
email: pschles@whrc.org
Aimee Houghton
Program Coordinator
The Center for Public Environmental Oversight (formerly CAREER/PRO)
425 Market Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
tel: (415) 904-7750; fax: (415) 904-7765
Email: aimeeh@cpeo.org

A Program of the San Francisco Urban Institute

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