1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Jim Oyler <hdqrs@worldnet.att.net>
Date: 07 Aug 1998 10:54:29
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Homeless on Sunflower Army
During last nights RAB meeting, 5 August, 1998, it was stated by the GSA
person, Mr. I. Blane Hastings, CCIM, Realty Officer (7PR-6) that GSA had to
utilize some part of closed DOD bases for use by "Homeless People" per
Federal law if it was requested by HUD. He then stated that we should plan
on some part of SFAAP being utilized for "Homeless People".

He stated that this Federal law brings HUD into the excess property
disposal process.

Have any other RAB members ran into this same statement by GSA at your
closed DOD base?

Also when it is stated by the DOD and the military type owner/operator that
they will only cleanup closed bases to Industrial standards I wonder how
this can be?

My statement: After being a member of the SFAAP RAB for six months (since
formed) I feel the RAB's are nothing more than a "Sham" being imposed on
the people and are being used as a means to tell the general public what
DOD/military/base contractors are going to do in the base cleanup. It is
nothing more than a means to keep the present contractors in place by (WWII
Presidential EO's) type contracts and keep the money flowing to keep the
lights on and the grass mowed. Make work, spend tax money and no cleanup.


Jim Oyler

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