1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: ARC Ecology <arc@igc.org>
Date: 25 Sep 1998 12:25:37
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: LEAD 403 RULE
Thank you to all who have sent messages to EPA regarding the proposed
definition of a "lead-based paint hazard" under the TSCA 403 rulemaking.
EPA seems to have gotten the message that their proposed rule does not sit
well with many people. Unfortunately we hear through the grapevine that the
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (who are managing the 403
rulemaking process) are NOT inclined at this time to extend the public
comment period. Let's keep the pressure on. Keep the messages flowing.
Ask for a 60 day extension to the public comment period for the TSCA Section
403 rulemaking. Send email messages to:oppt.ncic@epamail.epa.gov with the
subject line, "OPPTS control number 62156, TSCA 403 rulemaking. Copy your
local federal representatives.

Science Magazine wrote a nice piece about the 403 rulemaking in their
September 11, 1998 issue. Check it out.

 -- Arc Ecology

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