1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Sam Goodhope" <Sam.Goodhope@OAG.STATE.TX.US>
Date: 11 Dec 1998 10:22:35
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Oral history at Military Bases
After reviewing many documents over the years, I am not quite sure whether
any of the services do a great or even good job in getting oral histories in
order to comply with 120(h). 

Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, it is very unclear in this era of
the feds shirking their responsiblity to clean up their messes whether such
activity is necessary before transfers of contaminated property to our
communities occur. Hmmm, maybe that is Lenny's point..... 

The bottom line, after having witnessed the de facto, if not de jure
dismantling of the DoD cleanup process since 1992, is that state and federal
regulators need to get ready --i.e., develop the political will--to go after
local government transferrees in order to protect our neighborhoods,
communities, and citizens. That is not going to be easy. The problem is,
obviously, I have never seen the pro-cleanup interests prevail over the
booster interests when it comes time for state meta-regulatory officials to
make decisions between enforcing the clenaup laws or--supposedly, I repeat,
supposedly--creating jobs. (That, of course, is a false choice foisted upon
us by those who polluted and do not want to pay.)

Merry Christmas from Sam Grinchhope

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