From: | (marylia) |
Date: | Fri, 7 May 1999 10:55:28 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | events! DOE database/Nix MOX, more |
Hi folks. Here are events from the May 1999 Citizen's Watch. The DOE database stakeholders meeting (part of the settlement in the cleanup lawsuit) and the internation Nix MOX day may be of particularly wide interest, geographically speaking. Read on... (P.S. -- give us a day or two to set up the link from our website to DOE's. Thanks) Monday, May 17 International "NiX MOX" Action Day White House comment line: (202) 456-1111 Join people around the world on this second annual "Nix MOX" day to oppose the use of plutonium in nuclear reactors. MOX stands for "mixed oxide fuel" and is made by mixing uranium (the common fuel source in nuclear reactors) with plutonium. The U.S. and Russia are embarking on a dangerous path: using surplus nuclear weapons plutonium in their reactors. Vice President Al Gore has been the chief U.S. negotiator, and the resulting agreement, in which U.S. money goes to support the Russian MOX program, is causing problems in both countries. Call the White House comment line and ask Al Gore to support a program for immobilizing plutonium (e.g., in a ceramic matrix) and keeping it out of the environment instead of MOX. Tell Gore that putting plutonium in civilian reactors increases proliferation risks. "Nix MOX" day is sponsored by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and many other organizations. Call Tri-Valley CAREs if you would like to receive a "Nix MOX" fact sheet or action kit. Thursday, May 20 Tri-Valley CAREs meets 1000 So. Livermore Ave. (925) 443-7148 for details Calling all peace-makers and environmental advocates. Come and learn, share and work together to create a healthy community-and a more peaceful world. Sally will share her experiences at the Hague Appeal for Peace where 4,000 activists will be joined by Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the U.N., and others to explore topics of disarmament, conflict resolution and human rights. Marylia will be freshly returned from the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee meeting at the U.N., and she will detail disarmament initiatives and opportunities. A discussion of local activities will follow. Also hear about "DC Days" and what's new at the Lab. Thursday, June 3 Tri-Valley CAREs' mailing party 7 PM, Tri-Valley CAREs' office 2582 Old First St., Livermore (925) 443-7148 for details Definitely, the social event of the month. If you can affix labels, munch on snacks and chat with other wonderful people-then you are invited. Call for more info, or just come and join the "party." June 3 - 4 Nuclear and Toxic Waste Central Internet DOE Database National "Stakeholder" Forum (925) 443-7148 for details, or link via This is part of the lawsuit settlement won by Tri-Valley CAREs and 38 other plaintiff organizations. The Department of Energy will be putting together a comprehensive database on its wastes and contaminated facilities, including Livermore. This first public forum is designed for those of us monitoring (and being affected by) DOE activities. This is an opportunity to tell DOE what we would like to see included in the database, and what the Department can do to make the database useful to us, the public. Deadline for your application for travel subsidy is May 14. Registration deadline is May 19. Call us for details or access DOE's Internet registration through our web site. June 21 - Day of Global Healing Arvol Looking Horse, keeper of a Lakota sacred medicine bundle, is, for the 4th straight year, calling for people everywhere to pray for peace on June 21, either with him or at sacred places in their own communities. According to Lakota prophesy, we are currently in a time when the world, faced with its greatest challenges, needs everyone to use prayer and peaceful cooperation to resolve the moment of crisis. Arvol has successively visited East, West, & North points in the Western Hemisphere over the last 3 years on June 21, which is also the summer solstice in the European calendar. This year, Arvol will be in Costa Rica, the South point of the 4 directions. According to Arvol, June 21 is a significantly beneficial time of the yearly cycle to have as many people around the world pray at sacred sites simultaneously (10 am Central time). Consider holding your own local event, and participating in any manner that feels comfortable for you. Or, to be a part of a medicine wheel on Mt. Tamalpais, call Sally Light at (925) 443-7148. ++++ Please note that my email address has changed to <> on 3/1/99 ++++ Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA USA 94550 <> - is our web site, please visit us there! Our web site will remain at this location. Only my email address has changed on 3/1/99. (925) 443-7148 - is our phone (925) 443-0177 - is our fax Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the international Abolition 2000 network for the elimination of nuclear weapons. | |
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