From: | |
Date: | Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:25:45 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Granite Management Flyer |
The following letter was written to the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) from the Committee for Public Advisory Consensus on Tourtelot (ComPACT) to inform DTSC of a city-wide mailing from a developer (Granite Management Corp., subisidary of Ford Motor Co.) that attempts to discredit ComPACT's policy paper for the cleanup of UXO and hazardous waste site where the developer wants to build 420 homes. ComPACT wants the cleanup of the site to be separate from the housing development plans -- the developer wants to "bundle" the project by combining cleanup with massive cut and fill for housing plans. ComPACT wanted DTSC to be aware of the developer's tactics. ComPACT's policy paper can be found on the URL below. jlcg From: (Jan Cox-Golovich) Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 16:42:35 -0800 (PST) To: Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Granite Management Flyer Dear Mr. Lowry, As you are aware, the Committee for Public Advisory Consensus on Tourtelot (ComPACT) has issued a Policy Paper for the clean-up of unexploded ordnance and hazardous waste on the Tourtelot property. We advocate a four phase approach: Emergency/Interim UXO Clearance Clean-up of Hazardous Waste UXO Clearance to Residential Stan. Tourtelot Development EIR ComPACT has been informed that DTSC has accepted Granite's proposal in which a comprehensive EIR would lump all of these phases together and inextricably link the clean-up of UXO and hazardous waste to the development of housing. We do not know when, how or why this decision was made by DTSC to accept this approach, but after ComPACT learned of it, we worked diligently to put forward an alternative that we believe is superior to Granite Management's. We continue to hope that your department will seriously consider our alternative. The actual intent of this letter, however, is to inform you of a recent flyer that Granite Management mailed to all households in Benicia in an effort to discredit ComPACT's proposal. ComPACT believes the content of the flyer is of extreme importance to DTSC's internal deliberations regarding proper procedure on both the Rose Drive and Tourtelot clean-ups. Granite Management clearly shows their hand after many months of claiming that "safety" was their first priority. First, Granite links the Rose Drive clean-up with development of homes on Tourtelot. Secondly, Granite offers us the all or nothing approach ---either we allow homes on Tourtelot or we get no clean-up at all - at either site. Up until this time, Granite Management and City of Benicia officials have strenuously denied any link of the Rose Drive clean-up to a development "deal" on Tourtelot, and both entities have stated on numerous occasions that housing will only be built if Tourtelot is deemed "safe" (although they have yet to give us a definition of this term). The following is the content of their flyer: Granite Management Corporation THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW We thought you would like to know that a handful of activists calling themselves ComPACT are threatening the legitimate cleanup of the Tourtelot property. Their most recent attempt to derail the project is nothing more than a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Make no mistake. ComPACT's purported Policy Paper for the cleanup of the Tourtelot Property is a fiscally-irresponsible and socially reckless plan and serves only to delay and undermine the cooperative efforts of the City of Benicia, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Granite Management Corp. ComPACT will delay the cleanup and jeopardize safety. The legitimate cleanup process, which has Department of Toxic Substances Control regulatory oversight, is already underway and will result in a scientifically-based cleanup of 100 percent of the property sooner rather than later. ComPACT's plan is completely contrary to responsible environmental planning. It would greatly increase paperwork and red tape, add years to the process, fail to clean up the entire site, and result in less, not more safety. ComPACT will cost the City and property owners millions. ComPACT's plan will cost the City millions in lost development fees that would be used for much needed infrastructure and lost property tax revenue for public services. ComPACT's plan will also jeopardize Granite's approximately $420,000 per annum payment into Benicia's assessment districts. The result could be an immediate increase in property taxes for homeowners in Benicia. ComPACT will impact property values. ComPACT's plan will delay the cleanup and leave the property less safe. Homeowners need only look at what happened to property values during the Rose Drive years to see what ComPACT's style of tactic did to real estate prices there. By delaying the cleanup, ComPACT will force current and future homeowners to continue living next door to a property surrounded by chain link fence and posted with frightening signs. ComPACT will strip the City of Benicia of land use planning authority ComPACT's plan will result in the State dictating land use decisions to the City of Benicia, in essence, the Winterhawk case all over again. This will establish unwarranted outside intrusion and diminish the local municipality's ability to make land use decisions. ComPACT will cost all Benicians community benefits. Community benefits such as a public golf course, affordable housing, religious assembly site, and improved cleanup measures at Blake Court all flow from the development of the Tourtelot Property. ComPACT's plan will jeopardize these community benefits. For more information about the legitimate Tourtelot Property Cleanup Project, please contact Jason Keadjian at (707) 745-2112 (11/16/99) **************************************** ComPACT has no illusions about the uphill battle we face to inform the public and regulatory agencies about the true nature of our policy paper/clean-up proposal in the face of an extremely well-financed public relations campaign backed by a Ford Motor Company subsidiary. However, we will continue to strive to participate in the process. We only ask that the process be fair, just and that as many decisions as possible be made in the public domain. We appreciate DTSC's efforts to make the playing field as level as possible. Sincerely, Jan Cox-Golovich ComPACT jlcg You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ________________________________________________________________________ Start an Email List For Free at Topica. | |
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