1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:21:16 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Russian, Norwegian Naval Officers Visit US to Discuss Radiological
Russian, Norwegian Naval Officers Visit US to Discuss
Radiological Worker Safety

EarthVision Reports
WASHINGTON, December 2, 1999 - A delegation of Russian and
Norwegian naval officers visited the US last month to discuss
radiation worker protection and safety issues associated with Russian Navy
nuclear-powered submarine dismantlement and radioactive
waste management. The visit to the Department of Energy
facilities was part of the Department of Defense/Department of Energy
Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation initiative. Through this national
security initiative, the US helps dismantle Russian strategic
nuclear weapons formerly aimed at the United States. The initiative also
minimizes opportunities for the proliferation of nuclear weapons and
weapons-usable nuclear material.

According to DOE, Russian nuclear powered submarine dismantlement efforts
generate large amounts of radioactive waste causing the potential for high
exposure to workers and the possible
spread of radioactive contamination to the environment if not
properly monitored. The Energy Department is therefore providing radiation
monitoring equipment and training for Russian nuclear submarine
dismantlement, storage for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
resulting from the dismantlement, and technologies for subsequent waste
handling. The Energy Department and Russia will use a Norwegian system to
monitor spent fuel from the Russian nuclear submarines that have not been
defueled and are awaiting dismantlement.

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