1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: rhugus@cape.com
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:31:58 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Massachusetts Military Reservation
-From December 14 Cape Cod Times:

PAVE PAWS study planned
The military will try to determine the effect of radiation from radar.

                        By JEFFREY BURT
                          STAFF WRITER

Pentagon officials announced yesterday that the military will conduct a
full environmental review of the PAVE PAWS radar system, an action critics
of the Upper Cape facility have advocated for decades.

In letters to Sandwich Town Administrator George Dunham and Sharon Judge of
Sandwich, the most vocal opponent and the spokeswoman for the Cape Cod
Coalition to Decommission PAVE PAWS, a top Air Force official said the
military was cognizant of public concerns about the facility and that an
environmental review of the radar would be done.
"I believe that the Air Force needs to address your concerns and work with
you and other interested citizens to resolve the issues you raise," Thomas
"Tad" McCall Jr., deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force, said in his
Dec. 10 letter to Judge.
Judge said she was cautiously optimistic about the review, but said she
will remain skeptical until she sees the details. She is concerned that the
analysis will not address the past health impacts of radar, which she said
it critical to any report on PAVE PAWS.
"We are at the beginning of a legal process that I expect will shed light
on a major facility that has been operating out of the public eye for 21
years," she said.

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