From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:32:07 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Principals' UXO Principles |
On March 7, 2000, Sherri W. Goodman, on behalf of the Defense Department (DoD) and Timothy Fields, Jr., representing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, signed the "Interim Final Management Principles for Implementing Response Actions at Closed, Transferring, and Transferred Ranges." Goodman is Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security). Fields is Assistant EPA Administrator for the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. As the top policy-makers in their agencies on these issues, they are informally known as the principals. The Principles grew out of discussions between DoD and EPA that began in April, 1999, when Fields sent a letter to Goodman critical of Defense Department response practices at sites with unexploded ordnance (UXO). The Management Principles, according the cover letter, "provide interim guidance for ongoing response actions and will be in effect until the final version of the Range Rule is promulgated." That could be as early as this August, and no doubt the principals hope to finalize the Range Rule before the November elections at the latest. The Principles therefore provide an indication of what the final Range Rule will say, since deliberations on that document are now confined to federal agencies. In fact, the successful negotiations over the Principles may pave the way for rapid completion of the Range Rule promulgation process. Though, unlike the Range Rule finalization process, the initial Principles negotiations could have been opened up to states, tribes, and other stakeholder groups, they were developed without their direct participation. The cover letter perhaps reflects the anticipation of criticism when it promises, "DoD and EPA will conduct discussions with the States and Tribes on the UXO Management Principles." The Management Principles are much shorter and more readable than the proposed Range Rule. In fact, they consist of 10 pages plus another page of references. One may obtain a 400K PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file containing the Principles and cover letter from CPEO, either by e-mail attachment from <> or downloading it from the CPEO web site (see below for instructions). The "Interim Final Management Principles for Implementing Response Actions at Closed, Transferring, and Transferred (CTT) Ranges" is a highly nuanced document. Only the people who drafted it - if anyone - fully understand the implications of the language. Much of the document repeats non-controversial standard practices, and it's probably as important to recognize what has been left out of the principles as it is to analyze the statements of agreement. Furthermore, since the Principles are not couched in legalistic terminology, they are probably even more subject to varied interpretations than the proposed Range Rule itself. Dispute Resolution In the analysis below I make a first stab at understanding the Principles. I look forward to hearing other interpretations of the language. As I have written before, the key issue in the UXO response decision-making process is that of ultimate authority: Who decides how much clearance needs to be done, when, and how? While the Defense Department has always agreed to coordinate with regulators and consult the public on such decisions, it has long argued that Department of Defense officials should sit at the top of the dispute resolution chain. That is, when field representatives of the regulators and military cannot agree on a response, they are supposed to elevate the dispute within their two organizations. If, after a succession of elevated negotiations, the agencies still cannot agree, then - according to the original DoD proposal - the responsible armed service official (a high level political appointee) would make the final ruling. The military argued this position because 1) it is developing the Range Rule under legal authorities which mandate DoD responsibility and 2) because it has unique technical expertise on UXO. Critics, including myself, argued that it puts the fox in charge of the henhouse. That is, it allows the polluter to decide if and when to clean up after itself. The ultimate authority to resolve disputes, we have argued, not only affects those differences that are elevated up the chains of command. It also sets the tone for all other negotiations at the lowest level - that is, at the installation. The March 7 agreement on Enforcement (Principle #7) is somewhat fuzzy, but it appears to concede that regulatory officials - ultimately state governors or the administrator of U.S. EPA - may at times hold ultimate authority to resolve UXO disputes. Such authority would be established through the negotiation of enforceable, site-specific agreements. Principle #7 reads: "Regulator oversight and involvement in all phases of CTT range investigations are crucial to an effective response, increase credibility of the response, and promote acceptance by the public. Such oversight and involvement includes timely coordination between DoD components [the armed services and defense agencies] and EPA, state, or tribal regulators, and, where appropriate, the negotiation and execution of enforceable site-specific agreements." The first supporting paragraph continues, "DoD and EPA agree that, in some instances, negotiated agreements under CERCLA [the Superfund law] and other authorities play a critical role in both setting priorities for range investigations and response and for providing a means to balance respective interdependent roles and responsibilities. When negotiated and executed in good faith, enforceable agreements provide a good vehicle for setting priorities and establishing a productive framework to achieve common goals. Where range investigations and responses are occurring, DoD and the regulator(s) should come together and attempt to reach a consensus on whether an enforceable agreement is appropriate. Examples of situations where an enforceable agreement might be desirable include locations where there is a high level of public concern and/or where there is significant risk. DoD and EPA are optimistic that field level agreement can be reached at most installations on the desirability of an enforceable agreement." There are now over 150 current or former military installations on or proposed for the "Superfund" National Priorities List. At least 108 of those properties have negotiated inter-agency agreements in place. Only a fraction of those contain Closed, Transferring, and Transferred munitions ranges, and the Defense Department historically has not necessarily agreed that those agreements cover the cleanup of unexploded ordnance. The Principles attempt to clarify the relevance of those agreements: "At NPL sites, disputes that cannot be mutually resolved at the field or project manager level should be elevated for disposition through the tiered process negotiated between DoD and EPA as part of the agreement for the site, based upon the Model Federal Facility Agreement." The Model Federal Facility Agreement places the U.S. EPA Administrator at the top of the tiered dispute resolution process. However, the Principles appear to allow DoD components to argue, in negotiations to establish such agreements, that a Defense official hold ultimate authority for resolving disputes regarding explosives safety. It depends upon how closely the site-specific agreement has to follow the Model. The Principles document also states that the parties to a dispute should "give substantial deference to the expertise of the other party," and it adds, "the parties will give great weight and deference to DoD's technical expertise on explosive safety issues." However, it does not define which potential areas of difference are explosive safety issues, as opposed to those which are risk management issues. The Enforcement section of the Principles also addresses non-NPL sites. Since explosive safety is not evaluated in the ranking of properties for inclusion on the NPL, most of the nation's Closed, Transferring, and Transferred ranges are not covered by site-specific agreements. (There are at least nine hundred such ranges in the U.S., but because many have not yet been identified - particularly Closed ranges on active installations - there could be more than two thousand.) The document says, "At non-NPL sites where there are negotiated agreements, disputes that cannot be mutually resolved at the field or project manager level also should be elevated for disposition through a tiered process set forth in the site-specific agreement." At non-NPL sites, states are usually the lead - and sometimes the only - regulators. However, there are relatively few site-specific agreements in place at non-NPL military properties, with or without UXO. Dispute resolution is instead described in each statewide Defense State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA), the model version of which assigns ultimate authority jointly to the Governor and Armed Service Secretary. This is similar to one of the alternatives listed by DoD in the proposed Range Rule. However - perhaps because state representatives were not party to the Principles discussions - the Principles Enforcement section does not refer to the Model DSMOA or any other model. This is significant because the military often asserts that its UXO response is not subject to state hazardous waste laws. In fact, in the Principles preamble, where the authors list the relevant legal authorities, state law is not mentioned. (However, the preamble says that other, unspecified authorities may apply.) Thus, it appears that the Principles fail to provide any additional guidance to the resolution of UXO cleanup disputes at non-NPL sites, the vast majority of CTT ranges and acreage. Summary of Other Provisions Beyond dispute resolution, the Principles process appears to reinforce agreements reached by DoD and EPA with states, tribes, and other stakeholders in a variety of venues. It declares, "Removal action alternatives will be evaluated under the criteria set forth in the National Contingency Plan (NCP) ..." It add, "Regulators and other stakeholders will be provided an opportunity for timely consultation, review, and comment on all phases of a removal response, except in the case of an emergency response..." The local role in establishing land use assumptions is recognized, but it is not considered final: "Discussions with local land use planning authorities, local officials and the public, as appropriate, should be conducted as early as possible in the response process to determine the reasonably anticipated future land use(s)." The document says, "In some cases, explosives safety, cost, and/or technical limitations may limit the ability to conduct a response and thereby limit the reasonably anticipated future land uses." To the degree that statistical analyses or models are used in site characterization, the Principles suggest that DoD should recognize and communicate the assumptions underlying such models. They say that agencies should jointly develop site-specific data quality objectives and quality assurance/quality control approaches. The Principles recognize recent breakthroughs in UXO survey technology, stating, "To the maximum extent practicable, the permanent record shall include sensor data that is digitally recorded and geo-referenced." This would allow cleanup crews to use new computer software to define digging priorities and decision-makers to review the cleanup methodology long after initial sweeps have taken place. The document states that potential characterization technologies should be evaluated according to two metrics, probability of detection and the false alarm rates. While it says that both measures are necessary, it adds that the former is paramount. Significantly, the Technology section warns that full project cost, "including the costs associated with recurring review and inadequate detection," must be considered when selecting detection technologies. The Principles devote a section to enforceable Land Use Controls, stating "In almost all cases, land use controls will be necessary to ensure protection of human health and public safety." Land Use Controls, such as institutional controls, site access, and engineering controls, are important both before and after remedies are implemented. They may be needed, it says, "early in the response process to provide protectiveness until a final remedy has been selected..." And it declares, "Land use controls must be clearly defined and set forth in a decision document." But final Land Use Controls should be chosen "based on a detailed analysis of response alternatives" under the NCP, not "presumptively selected." Land Use Controls must not only be enforceable, but "Roles and responsibility for monitoring, reporting and enforcing the restrictions must be clear to all affected parties." In the long run, the Principles add, "DoD will conduct periodic reviews consistent with the Decision Document to ensure long-term effectiveness of the response, including any land use controls, and allow for evaluation of new technology for addressing technical impracticability determinations." This appears to be consistent with the proposed Range Rule, which, unlike other DoD policies, allows for the reopening of remedies based upon the availability of improved cleanup technologies. If appropriate institutional controls are in place and notice of explosive safety hazards is given, then "DoD may transfer land with potential explosive safety hazards to another federal authority for management purposes prior to completion of a response action." However, "Generally, DoD should retain ownership or control of those areas at which DoD has not yet assessed or responded to potential explosives safety hazards." The Principles reaffirm that the Defense Explosives Safety Board's table of assessment depths is to be used for interim planning purposes, but that "Site specific data is necessary to determine the actual depth of clearance. Finally, the document also reaffirms that the cleanup of other constituents, such as groundwater contamination from explosive wastes, should meet both "applicable standards under appropriate environmental laws and explosives safety requirements." It explains, "Responses to other constituents will be integrated with responses to military munitions, rather than requiring different responses under various other regulatory authorities." I haven't at all been privy to the Principles discussions, but it appears that DoD may rely upon this Principle to argue that EPA shouldn't issue any future orders under the Safe Drinking Water Act, as it has at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, to cover UXO range remediation. *** [To download the Interim UXO Management Principles, go to Scroll down the page to the section titled "Other Relevant Publications" and click on "DOD-EPA interim UXO management principles.pdf."] -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/968-1126 You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _____________________________________________________________ Want to find the best email lists? Check out the Topica 20! | |
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