From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Mon, 10 Apr 2000 17:43:09 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Impacts of Privatization - Intro to paper |
In late February, 2000, CPEO and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) sent out a query about the potential impacts of the privatization of the cleanup of closing military bases, particularly as it affects community involvement and stakeholder participation. We received numerous thoughtful responses, as well as requests for our paper. We presented our findings at a March 24 meeting at the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA). We plan to make our full paper available once IDA submits its report to the Defense Department. For now, we are releasing the introductory sections, including the five recommendations made by CPEO and ICMA. Lenny Siegel Working Group on the Impacts of Privatization on the BRAC Public Participation Process Presented to the Institute for Defense Analysis By ICMA & CPEO March 23rd-24th, 2000 Observations and Recommendations As part of a larger effort by DOD's Office of Environmental Security, ICMA and CPEO have spent the past six weeks researching the implications of privatization upon communities and especially its impacts on public participation and community involvement. We solicited input from a diverse group of private and public sector stakeholders involved in BRAC and received written and oral comments from over 50 different individuals, organizations and agencies. Based upon this feedback, ICMA and CPEO put together the following observations and recommendations. These ideas include recommendations on both the macro and micro policy levels. We found it hard to separate the larger discussion about the communities' role in privatization from the narrow issues devoted just to public participation. DOD's decisions on privatization will have a dramatic impact on both. Section 334 of the Defense Authorization Act of 1997, the Early Transfer provision, permits the transfer of remediation management responsibility at closing military bases to non-federal entities. This legislation presents both opportunities and challenges for communities seeking to reuse closing and recently closed bases. Some community representatives see privatization or localization of cleanup management as a way to promote efficiency and tailor responses to community needs. Others see these trends as a way for the armed services to walk away from their full environmental responsibilities. It is premature to evaluate the effect of early transfers since few have been completed. However, we can draw lessons learned and make observations from those privatization and localization efforts completed or still underway. While existing community involvement policies seem adequate to address the transfer and cleanup of properties with minor contamination or where land uses are unlikely to change, they appear to be insufficient to facilitate the safe and economically responsive reuse of complex, controversial, or severely contaminated facilities. In fact, even the best community involvement policies cannot be expected to enable the privatization and localization of bases with unexploded ordnance contamination or large plumes of organic solvents. Based on the results of our preliminary research, ICMA and CPEO found the following major themes or recommendations: 1. Public stakeholders must be brought into the early transfer approval process earlier and more proactively. 2. The privatization and localization of cleanup must be based upon locally developed land use plans. 3. Each early transfer contract should contain provisions requiring the continuation of public participation activities associated with the military's installation restoration program. 4. A collaborative community involvement/public participation process should be designed with the assistance of public participation experts. 5. DOD should engage the stakeholders in the design of policies on privatization. In summary, the private or local government management of cleanups at closing bases may make the cleanup process more efficient, timely, or less expensive at a number of installations. If the local communities' role in the entire process is reinforced, not overlooked, transferring such management along with the early transfer of the property will likely be appropriate and will likely work best where strong community involvement takes place. Background on Community Involvement Local communities participate in the cleanup and reuse planning of closing bases in two ways, (1) as cleanup advisors and, (2) as land use decision-makers and advisors. First, public stakeholders, including local officials, advise cleanup decision-makers on strategies, standards, technologies, and priorities for cleanup. The allocation of decision-making authority varies, and the decision-makers themselves often argue over their respective roles, but they include officials from the Department of Defense and federal, state and, sometimes, tribal environmental regulators. Various environmental statutes and regulations have long promised this community role. CERCLA authorizes Technical Assistance Grants and provides for citizen lawsuits under certain circumstances. The National Contingency Plan weighs Community Acceptance as one of its criteria. The Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee, however, determined that these forms of public participation, while important, were not sufficient to give the public an effective role in the process. Based upon success stories with Technical Review Committees at a handful of military bases, it recommended that public stakeholders be informed and consulted early in the cleanup process, and it suggested the formation of site-specific advisory boards. DOD's then new Environmental Security office adopted and modified those recommendations, incorporating the new form of public involvement into the President's Five-Point Plan for Revitalizing Base Closure Communities. As a result, the armed services established Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs) at most major closing bases, and later expanded the program to cover more than 300 active, former, and closing installations. RABs and their associated community relations programs have greatly improved communications, not only between the military and the public, but - in conjunction with the formation of BRAC Cleanup teams (BCTs) - among the statutory cleanup decision-makers. Not all RABs are alike. Some work better than others and even the best communications cannot always resolve strong differences of opinion among the cleanup parties. Second, local governments have statutory land use planning authority over properties within their jurisdictions - with the general exception of lands expected to remain in the custody of federal and site agencies. The laws covering the disposition of property through the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program clarified that local governments exert that power as a Local Reuse Authority (LRA); they enable the LRA to receive property; and they provide financial and technical support to local communities. Local Reuse Authorities usually have their own public participation programs, ranging from traditional zoning-type hearings to regular meetings of advisory boards. These advisory groups may resemble RABs, but the actual LRA boards - City Council, Port Authority, Joint Powers Board - have decision-making authority over the land use decisions. The Early Transfer Process RECOMMENDATION #1: Public stakeholders must be brought into the early transfer approval process earlier and more proactively. Where the LRA is the proposed transferee at a closing base, its representatives are inherently engaged, from the start, in negotiations over the potential transfer of cleanup responsibility. However since these discussions are typically conducted by attorneys for the military and LRA, they are usually conducted in private. Even if the transfer is likely to impact other local government bodies, those bodies are not necessarily informed of the private negotiations. Yet, before the Governor and the Administrator of U.S. EPA - if the facility is on the National Priorities List - can approve the Early Transfer, Section 334 requires that the proposal be brought before the public for comment. The statute is vague, however, about how the public comment fits into the approval process. Still, both the EPA guidance for property on the NPL and the Defense Department policy for other properties require that the Defense Department component respond to comments before approval. These procedures are often insufficient to meet the statute's goal of protecting human health and the environment. For example, the Army's draft Finding of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) at the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, a proposed non-BRAC Early Transfer, contains asterisks on each environmental issue. It refers to a Consent Order, still unsigned and unavailable to the public, that is supposed to govern the cleanup. Thus, members of the public were asked to comment on a proposal that they couldn't see because it was incomplete. At the very least, the Defense Department should clarify that all FOSET documents should be based upon public documents proposing environmental responses. Furthermore, to ensure meaningful public review of the proposal, the DOD component should apprise the RAB of the status of the negotiations long before submitting the draft FOSET. The LRA should inform its constituents as well. It should be possible to address the outlines of the proposed privatization or localization strategy without compromising confidential negotiating positions. In the spirit of partnership for which RABs were formed, early discussion of Early Transfer will permit members of the community to offer constructive ideas. If they are brought into the process only when Section 334 says they must, all they can do is endorse or oppose the proposal. Approval under these conditions will make it difficult for the local governments and their private transferees or contractors to complete projects. Local Land Use Planning RECOMMENDATION #2: The privatization and localization of cleanup must be based upon locally developed land use plans. Under federal policy, cleanup standards and strategies are to be based upon the reasonably anticipated future land use. While advisory groups, such as RABs, may expect the consideration of even more stringent forms of cleanup based upon long-term anticipated land use, at the very least the military is obligated, where practicable, to clean up to the standards required to meet the land use objectives developed in good faith by the LRA. We have heard reports that at times DOD components have sought to weaken that promise. They want to clean up to less stringent levels based upon immediate construction plans, rather than land use categories, and to use institutional controls to prevent additional demands for cleanup should new construction be considered later. Where privatization or localization is proposed, the military reportedly has used this argument to reduce its proposed financial settlement. While it is reasonable for LRAs to consider advice from the military on its land use planning, there is no reason for local government to give up its legal authority just to expedite property transfer. The funding of cleanup should meet community-developed future land use plans. The cleanup of federal property is more than a discretionary expense. As with privately held land, it is an obligation that was incurred when the military released hazardous substances into the environment. Continued Community Relations RECOMMENDATION #3: Each early transfer contract should contain provisions requiring the continuation of public participation activities associated with the military's installation restoration program. The formation of Restoration Advisory Boards beginning in 1993 put the Defense Department in the leadership of public policy with regard to public participation in the oversight of cleanup. Many legislative proposals, across the political spectrum, for improving hazardous waste laws have incorporated advisory groups similar to RABs. California's 1999 site mitigation law, for example, makes provision for community advisory groups. Yet the Defense Department's current procedures for privatization or localization establish no guidelines for continuing RABs or any other community relations activity. While this might seem like a minor issue at small sites with little contamination or controversy - such as Oakland's Fleet Industrial Supply Center - it can easily undermine the goals of the Department's existing community relations policies. Fortunately, the problem of continuity in advisory board activity and other community relations programs can easily be resolved. In negotiations between the Defense Component and the LRA or private transferee, the parties should contractually agree to continue or enhance the military's community relations plan, assign responsibility for that program, and provide sufficient funding for its support, including any technical assistance to which the RAB was entitled. RECOMMENDATION #4: A collaborative community involvement/public participation process should be designed with the assistance of public participation experts. Everyone seems to concur that input from all relevant stakeholders must happen early in the decision-making process, whether the decisions focus on cleanup remedies, reuse options, or even discussions about if and how to privatize the cleanup. Making decisions and then simply having public meetings for comment is the old way of engaging the public, but it often further polarizes the parties. Meaningful public participation empowers the community and allows them to have a sense of sharing in the decision-making. Such collaborative processes by design create a greater degree of ownership through joint problem solving and ultimately a more long lasting resolution. Early involvement and collaborative processes are merely guiding principles for successful/meaningful public participation. Perhaps DoD's greatest challenge under the BRAC process is how to engage the public, share decision-making power, and align competing interests. At many former bases the interests of the community, the LRA, and the military are more closely aligned from the very beginning. Under these circumstances, the existing BRAC decision-making process works fine. However, in some cases the existing system seems too cumbersome to align those interests on such complex topics as integrating cleanup levels and reuse plans. Turnover of key personnel and a long history of mistrust may even make the process more difficult. When faced with these difficult sites, perhaps the stakeholders (DoD, the community, LRA, local government, etc.) should seek the assistance of conflict management experts to help facilitate the negotiations. Professionally trained environmental and land use facilitators and mediators could provide a variety of services. They can assess stakeholders (stakeholder "due diligence") to determine the key parties within a community who must directly participate in the negotiations. They can meet with the parties individually to help them understand the underlying interests of their group as well as the other stakeholders. Meeting with the groups can help clarify roles and responsibilities and guide the parties to a common understanding that can help build bridges among diverse interests. They can also design more collaborative processes that engage the public in a meaningful dialogue about the issues while respecting the ultimate decision-making authority of the military, LRAs, and local government. There is a spectrum of collaborative strategies (mediation, facilitation, consensus building, etc.) that conflict management experts can employ depending on the dynamics of the situation (See attached article and diagram about the continuum of environmental dispute resolution). This is not to say that every place needs outside assistance, but given the trust gap that exists at many of these sites, it might be a wise approach to carefully consider. In response to our request for input, many of the stakeholders offered their suggestions on how DOD can make its BRAC cleanup and reuse decision-making more effective and successful: * Ensure that the decision-making process is all-inclusive so that it provides for multiple levels of input by all parties affected by the cleanup and reuse plans. * Enhance the coordination between those undertaking the cleanup (the BCT), those planning the reuse (the LRA) and the community (possibly through participation in BRAC team meetings). * Encourage more informal contact between the parties (BCT, LRA, Community, Local Government, etc.). * Enlist the services of public participation experts: Since public participation is not a core competency of the Department of Defense, as part of any privatization initiative DOD should consult with public policy facilitators, mediators, and others with expertise in consensus building, public participation and BRAC. * Provide funding to LRAs, local governments, and/or community groups (similar to EPA's Brownfields ADR Pilots) for the services of a neutral facilitator to design and implement a collaborative public participation process. RECOMMENDATION #5: DOD should engage the stakeholders in the design of policies on privatization. Another theme evident from the feedback sent to ICMA/CPEO is that before DOD further develops and refines its privatization initiative, it should engage all of the relevant stakeholders to discuss and review possible plans and draft policies. The BRAC process is already complex and contentious. Moving forward without the input and ownership of the key stakeholders might further exacerbate existing tensions and frustrations. The IDA effort is a good beginning, but more outreach is necessary. Perhaps DOD should hold a series of regional policy dialogues to gain further input as many questions still remain. * Who is going to be the new responsible agency/entity with private cleanups? What are its roles and responsibilities? How will it be held accountable to the public? * Will the federal government (DOD) continue its oversight responsibility? If so, how will it ensure meaningful community involvement/participation as part of the privatization process? * What about the role of EPA and state environmental regulators in the privatization of cleanups? * When and where should DOD attempt privatization? Privatization of the cleanup is not going to work at every site. DOD, working collaboratively with key stakeholders, should develop general criteria to help decide whether a site is suitable for privatization. One of the major factors to consider is preliminary community support and a written plan for involving the community should DOD and the transferee proceed with privatization. -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/968-1126 You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ________________________________________________________________________ Start an Email List For Free at Topica. | |
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