From: | |
Date: | Mon, 24 Apr 2000 15:43:48 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Informe de Vieques Vieques Report |
(English version is below) 19 de abril de 2000 Companeros Solidarios con la Lucha del Pueblo Viequense: Saludos carinosos desde Vieques. Felicidades a todos durante esta Semana Santa, semana de reflexion y celebracion de un ano de lucha, un ano de paz sin bombardeo. Ha sido un ano de trabajo y sacrificio continuo de hombres y mujeres de Vieques, de la Isla Grande y de muchos otros lugares que han puesto sus cuerpos entre la Isla Nena y los canones de la Marina de Guerra mas poderosa en la historia de la humanidad. Han sido 365 dias de ardua y constante tarea, amenazas de arresto, organizacion comunitaria, planificacion, preparacion, conspiracion y agitacion todo en pro de la Paz de Vieques. Comenzamos la semana con la llegada de la Campana por la Paz, fabricada a peticion de los grupos sindicales solidarios con Vieques, que se colocara en la capilla nueva contruyendose en la zona de bombardeo. En una ceremonia historica en la Plaza Publica de Vieques, los obispos de las principales iglesias de Puerto Rico, junto a lideres sindicales, comunitarios y politicos recibieron la campana entre canticos y oracion por la paz y por la desmilitarizacion de Vieques. La campana se traslado a la Iglesia Metodista y luego al Campamento Justicia y Paz, frente al porton de la base naval, Camp Garcia. Se repicaro durante todo el dia del miercoles en conmemoracion del primer aniversario de la muerte de David Sanes Rodriguez. El lunes y martes estuvo con nosotros el Lcdo. Robert Kennedy, hijo. En varias conferencias de prensa hizo declaraciones fuertes y contundentes denunciando la destruccion ambiental y las violaciones a las leyes federales que resultan de las acciones de la Marina aqui. Entre otras cosas senalo que: La Marina no tiene derecho de tirar una bomba mas en Vieques; si otra nacion hiciera en Vieques lo que hace la Marina, los EU le declararia la Guerra; lo que hace la Marina en Vieques no es consono con las practicas de un gobierno democratico; utilizaria los recursos de la organizacion ambiental de la cual forma parte (Natural Resources Defense Council) para ayudar a la comunidad iniciar una accion legal para lograr el cese permanente del bombardeo y la restauracion ecologica de Vieques. Kennedy se reunio el lunes con representantes de las organizaciones de la Coordinadora Justicia y Paz para Vieques y con integrantes del Grupo Tecnico en Apoyo a Vieques quienes trabajan con la comunidad sobre el futuro desarrollo sustentable y comunitario de un Vieques Libre. El lunes a la media noche, Kennedy compartio con aproximadamente 150 viequenses en el Campamento Justicia y Paz frente a los portones de la base naval (Camp. Garcia) la ceremonia de cambio del numero en la pizarra especial que indica el numero de d=EDas sin bombardeo. Esa noche, Kennedy coloco el numero 5 para cambiar el dia de 364 a 365 dias, marcando un ano entero de paz sin bombas. El martes, Kennedy visito el area de bombardeo, compartio con la gente de los campamentos de desobediencia civil, buceo en la zona para ver con sus propios ojos la horrible destruccion causada por las actividades belicas. A la 1PM almorzo en el Campamento Justicia y Paz antes de partir hacia el aeropuerto. La visita de Kennedy recibio amplia atencion por la prensa de Puerto Rico y de los EU. El miercoles llevamos a cabo una serie de actividades en conmemoracion de la muerte de David Sanes. A las 10AM acompanamos a Myrta Sanes, hermana de David, al cementerio. A las 12 del medio dia, en la Plaza Publica se repico la Campana de la Paz durante un circulo de oracion por la Paz de Vieques. Poco despues, Myrta viajo en lancha hacia la zona de tiro, para subir al Puesto de Observacion, cerca del lugar donde murio David, para dejar una ofrenda flora. A las 8PM comenzo un acto solemne de reflexion en la Plaza Justicia y Paz frente a Camp. Garcia. Mas de 300 personas participaron en la actividad que conto con las intervenciones de Padre Nelson Lopez, parroco de Vieques, la cantante boricua Zoraida Santiago, la cantante y comediante Carmen Nydia Velazquez "Susa" y el grupo de Mujeres por la Paz y Justicia de Vieques de Nueva York. Con velas encendidas, los participantes formaron un circulo y compartieron sus pensamientos sobre este ano de paz, ano de lucha, ano de recordacion de la muerte de David Sanes. Sabemos que los muchos companeros y companeras de las organizaciones solidarias en EU y en Puerto Rico estan llevando a cabo un sinnmero de acciones en apoyo a Vieques en estos dias y quisieramos extenderles nuestros sentimientos de agradecimiento y respeto por estos esfuerzos. Les mantendremos informados desde aca. En lucha, en solidaridad Robert L. Rabin Siegal Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques Apartado 1424 Vieques, PR 00765 (787) 741-0716 cel. 375-0525 A1FUERA LA MARINA DE VIEQUES! (English Version) Friends and Supporters of the Vieques Struggle; Warm greetings from Vieques to all in this Holy Week, a week of reflection and celebration at the end of a year of intense struggle, a year of peace without bombing. It's been a year of continuous work and sacrifice of the men and women of Veiques, and Puerto Rico and many other places who have put their bodies between Vieques and the cannons of the US Navy, the most powerful military force in the history of humanity. It has been 366 days of very hard and constant tasks, threats of arrests, community organizing, planning, preparations and agitation for the cause of Peace on Vieques. We started this week with the arrival of the Peace Bell, built by petition of union groups in solidarity with Vieques and to be placed at the new chapel under construction at the civil disobedience camps in the bombing area. In a historic ceremony at the public square of Vieques, the Bishops of Puerto Rico's principal churches, together with labor, community and political leaders, received the bell among sacred music and prayer for peace and demilitarization on Vieques. After the ceremony, the Bell was placed in the Methodist Church in town and later it was moved to the Peace and Justice Camp in front of the gates to Camp Garcia. During the day, the bell was heard every hour, and the hourly ringing was a special part of the activities that took place at the Peace and Justice Square the night of the 19th. Hundreds of people participated in a solemn act of reflection to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of David Sanes Rodriguez. On the 27th of April, the bell will be brought out to the bombing area for the official inauguration of new chapel, where it will remain. On Monday and Tuesday, attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr., came to Vieques. Kennedy denounced the Navy destruction of the environment and serious violations of federal laws related to environmental protection. He suggested the Navy has no right to drop any bombs in Vieques and, that if these actions were taken against Vieques by any other nation, the United States would declare war; and that what the Navy does in Vieques is not compatible with the practices of a democratic government. Kennedy also stated that he will use the resources of the environmental organization of which he is part (the Natural Resources Defense Council) to help the community initiate a legal action to stop the bombing forever and to achieve the ecological restoration of Vieques. Kennedy met on Monday for three hours with representatives of the Coordinating Committee for Justice and Peace for Vieques and with members of the Technical Group in Support of Vieques, who work with the Vieques community on the topic of future sustainable development for a Free Vieques. At midnight on Monday, Kennedy participated in a gathering of about 150 Viequenses in front of the gate to Camp Garcia at the Justice and Peace Square, where there is a daily ceremony to update the board that displays the number of days without bombing. That night, Kennedy removed the "4" from "364" and added a "5" to make "365" days without bombs, marking a whole year of peace. On Tuesday, Kennedy visited the bombing area and spent time with the people in the civil disobedience camps, and did scuba diving in that area where he saw with his own eyes the horrible destruction caused by the Navy by their war practice activities. At 1:00 P.M. Kennedy had lunch at Camp Justice and Peace before he departed for the airport. Kennedy's visit was covered by all of the Puerto Rican and Vieques media. On Wednesday we held a series of activities in commemoration of the death of David Sanes. At 10:00 A.M., we accompanied Myrta Sanes, David's sister, to the cemetery. At 12 noon, in the Public Square, the Peace Bell was rung as part of a prayer circle activity. Shortly afterwards, Myrta traveled to the bombing area and walked up to the Observation Post with about now hundred people carrying white crosses. She placed flowers outside the gate to the Observation Post, at a site close to where her brother was killed last year. At 8PM we began an activity of reflection at the Peace and Justice Square in front of the gate to Camp Garcia. More than 300 people participated in the activity together with Father Nelson Lopez of Vieques' Catholic Church, Puerto Rican folk singer, Zoraida Santiago and comedian-singer, Carmen Nydia Velazquez. A delegation from the group, Women for Peace and Justice for Vieques, from New York, also participated. During a candle light circle of reflection, everyone had an opportunity to speak about the meaning of this special day commemorating the death of David Sanes and a year of peace without bombing. We know that this week, many of our brothers and sisters from solidarity organizations in the Vieques, in Puerto Rico and in the U.S. will also be conducting various actions in support of Vieques. We would like to extend our appreciation and deep feelings of gratitude and respect for their work. From here we will continue to keep you informed. In Struggle and Solidarity, Robert L. Rabin Siegal Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques Box 1424 Vieques, PR 00765 (787) 741-0716 cel. 375-0525 Email: NAVY OUT OF VIEQUES NOW! You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _________________________________________________________ Enlighten your in-box. | |
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