From: | |
Date: | Thu, 18 May 2000 11:03:02 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] DOE/sick nuclear workers |
Hi peace and enviro colleagues. Here is an article I thought would be of interest from our recent newsletter on the compensation proposed by DOE for its sick workers. Peace, Marylia Aid Pledged to Sick Workers by Marylia Kelley from Tri-Valley CAREs' May 2000 newsletter, Citizen's Watch Energy Secretary Bill Richardson pledged his Department would reverse over 50 years of denial that it caused injury, illness and death amongst its employees in U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories and factories. "Justice for nuclear weapons workers is finally happening. The government is, for a change, on their side," Richardson proclaimed in an April 12th press conference to announce his support for a new initiative to provide compensation to some current and former workers exposed to toxic and radioactive contaminants on the job. Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health, Dr. David Michaels said workers at Livermore Lab suffered exposures to plutonium, tritium, beryllium and other deadly materials. These workers will be eligible to file claims, he said. Admitting responsibility is an historic first step in the long journey of reparation, but there are serious limitations to the DOE compensation plan. Justice for workers and others made sick by the bomb-building enterprise remains a still-elusive glimmer. The DOE proposes to grant only a small number of claims nationwide. Michaels estimated that 3,000 workers would be eligible. He said there are perhaps 1,500 workers with radiation-induced cancers, 750 cases of beryllium disease and 750 workers with other illnesses caused by their employment. Despite pronouncements by Richardson and Michaels that their agency would no longer battle and belittle the workers' claims, it is worth noting that most of the injured will have to prove exposure to be eligible for compensation. That will present a difficult if not impossible hurdle for many. In some cases the workers' medical records are missing, in others their files were altered after they became ill, leaving them without recourse to even the state-run workers compensation programs. A number of Livermore workers have spoken to us over the years about the "black holes" in the official records, where information about exposure goes in - but nothing comes out. We believe the problem to be widespread. We also know of cases at Livermore and elsewhere where the workers were too intimidated to report the exposure to their supervisors. One contractor who experienced "flu-like symptoms" after becoming enveloped in toxic gas told us he was afraid of losing his job. If they become ill as a result of their exposures, these workers will likely not be able to get help. DOE knows that this is a problem. Michaels said that the agency would take a sick worker's job description into account, but for most workers the burden of proof still falls heavily on their shoulders. Even in cases where exposure was severe and demonstrable, the worker's eligibility hinges on whether he or she suffered the specific illness on the DOE list for that contaminant. For example, a worker exposed to beryllium dust who develops lung disease may be eligible, but the worker standing next to him suffering the same exposure will not receive any compensation if he becomes ill with cancer. While there is a strong correlation between beryllium exposure and cancer, that disease is not on the DOE list for that contaminant. Moreover, the DOE initiative does not acknowledge or help the plight of nuclear plant neighbors, some of whom suffered exposures as high as the employees. In Washington they call it the "Hanford mile," and many of its neighbors have developed cancers and other rare diseases. In Livermore, a study by the California state Department of Health Services found Lab workers suffered a 400% increased incidence of malignant melanoma, a potentially fatal form of skin cancer. The study correlated the increases in cancer with five workplace factors. In 1995, the state completed a thirty-year study of Livermore's young - and found that children who were born here suffered a 640% increase in malignant melanoma. Children who were merely moved here while young had a 240% increase. And the list goes on. Under the Energy Department's plan, eligible workers, or their survivors, could receive a lump-sum payment of $100,000. In other cases, sick workers could get medical costs and lost wages, a package that could potentially exceed $100,000. DOE estimated it would need $120 million annually for the first three years and then about $80 million a year after that. It is unclear as yet whether Congress will appropriate those modest dollars. The good news is that some who were made sick may receive aid. As one ill worker, retired from Livermore Lab told us, "I'm dying. I want to know that my wife will have enough money to pay off my bills and to live." The bad news is it is not enough. Not nearly enough. If you or a family member may have a DOE job-related illness, you can call a new toll-free number set up by the Department at (877) 447-9756. We at Tri-Valley CAREs are compiling a data base of residents and workers who believe their illnesses could be Lab related. Please call us at (925) 443-7148. Marylia Kelley Executive Director, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) 2582 Old First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Phone: 1-925-443-7148 Fax: 1-925-443-0177 Web site: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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