2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: zweifel@earthlink.net
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:53:28 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [Fwd: [CPEO-MEF] BRAC Cleanup Money Cut]

To all interested parties:

As a member of the MCAS, El Toro & MCAS, Tustin RAB I find this new
development totally capricious & arbitrary on the House-Senate conference
committee's part. Our govt. is about to experience the largest ever over
-budget income in its history & here they're wringing their hands over a
rather minuscule sum.

The above mentioned FUDS or formerly utilized defense sites are still
roughly $100 million away from eventual environmentally acceptable closure.
Both bases have serious TCE &/or MTBE groundwater contamination. The El
Toro plume extends off the base for @ least several miles.

Oh & by the way, the concept of "clean closure" will never occur for us
because of our grossly contaminated landfills. The DON or Dept. of the Navy
will not have sufficient funding to implement even marginal remediation &
restoration of our  OU's or Operable Units until all funding shortfalls are
restored to previously agreed upon levels.

It's therefore incumbent upon all of us to email the White House via their
website at
<www.whitehouse.gov/wh/eop/html/contact_the_whitehouse.html> if you're
upset about this state of affairs.

If not, then don't come running to this List Serve to post complaints
about  a particular service branch refusing to clean up your DoD or DOE
sites due to the fact that they had an insufficiency in funding.

Don Zweifel
OU-1 thru OU-3 Technical Review Committee, MCAS ElToro,RAB_member
Consultant, El Toro Local Revelopment Authority

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