From: | CPEO Moderator <> |
Date: | Mon, 28 Aug 2000 09:43:24 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Approval request for |
>To: >From: >Subject: Approval request for >Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 05:30:15 -0700 >X-Topica-Loop: 0 > >The message below was sent to the list cpeo-military. To approve this message, >simply forward the message to the following address: > >cpeo-military-approve-[your password] > >where the password is the moderation password set by the owner of >the list. To reject the message, simply ignore it, and it will not >be distributed to the list. > >Please note that we recommend that you forward the message as an >attachment, because otherwise your mailer may wrap or otherwise >change the original message. Also, please leave "Message Follows" >and "Message Ends" separators intact, they are required for the message >to be posted. > >[------ Original Message Follows ------] >Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 08:13:17 -0100 >From: >To: >Subject: Comunicado de Prensa Desobediencia Civil Artistas por la Paz Press Release > >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. > >------=_NextPart_000_0036_01C010C7.D2FCE7E0 >Content-Type: text/plain; > charset="iso-8859-1" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > >SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH > > > > > > >Comit=E9 Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques > >Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 > >Telefax (787) 741-0716 E mail: > > > >COMUNICADO DE PRENSA > >CREO EN VIEQUES: ARTISTAS POR LA PAZ DE VIEQUES ENTRAN A TERRENOS = >USURPADOS POR LA MARINA=20 > >Vieques, Puerto Rico. Hoy, 28 de agosto de 2000 un grupo de artistas = >pl=E1sticos y teatreros penetraron a los terrenos restringidos por la = >Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos en Vieques. Los artistas = >realizaron un acto pict=F3rico-teatral titulado: "Creo en Vieques". = >Proclamaron la importancia fundamental del paisaje, el cual, durante 60 = >a=F1os, ha ido destruyendo la Marina con sus ejercicios b=E9licos. = >Destrucci=F3n que ocasiona graves da=F1os no s=F3lo al paisaje, sino a = >la salud mental, f=EDsica y espiritual.=20 > > >Los artistas pintaron un espectacular mural humano en el que plasmaron = >el paisaje de la Isla Nena que, seg=FAn lee su proclama, ''desde el = >punto de vista est=E9tico ha sido, es y ser=E1 una de las fuentes = >primordiales de inspiraci=F3n para la creaci=F3n art=EDstica''. Los = >artistas y teatreros formaron dos grupos; uno que penetr=F3 a los = >terrenos restringidos en un acto de desobediencia civil y otro que los = >apoya desde fuera. El grupo de apoyo, adem=E1s de lucir un mural similar = >al paisaje de Vieques, portaba otro mural que es una adaptaci=F3n del = >famoso Guernica de Picasso, acentuando la dramatizaci=F3n. > > >Los artistas pl=E1sticos que burlaron la seguridad militar y entraron a = >la zona restringida esta madrugada fueron: Rafael Trelles, Luis Alonso, = >Paloma Todd, Marta P=E9rez Garc=EDa, El=EDas Adasme y Gustavo Castrodad; = >y los teatreros Carlos Esteban Fonseca, Cristina Soler y Antonio = >Sotomayor. El grupo de apoyo estuvo formado por los teatreros: Magali = >Carrasquillo, Georgina Borri, Maritza P=E9rez Otero, Rosabel Ot=F3n, = >Teresa Hern=E1ndez, Puchi Plat=F3n, Ineabelle Col=F3n, Yamil Collazo, = >Vilma Mart=EDnez, Pep=EDn Lugo y Carlo D'Atili; la artista pl=E1stica = >Ta=ED Fern=E1ndez, el productor Pedro Mu=F1iz y la comunicadora Zaida = >Castro Meaux. A ellos se sumaron los artistas pl=E1sticos viequenses = >Myrna Pag=E1n y Juan Silva. > > >Desde Puerto Rico se solidarizaron con la proclama de los Artistas por = >la Paz, los maestros Rafael Tufi=F1o, Antonio Martorell, Antonio = >Maldonado, Augusto Mar=EDn, Lorenzo Homar, Myrna B=E1ez y Luis = >Hern=E1ndez Cruz, entre otros. > > >Los artistas contaron con el apoyo log=EDstico del Comit=E9 Pro Rescate = >y Desarrollo de Vieques y el Campamento Justicia y Paz en la Isla Nena. = >Los viequenses agradecieron la gesta en pro de la paz de Vieques y de = >las demandas por la desmilitarizaci=F3n, descontaminaci=F3n, = >devoluci=F3n y el desarrollo sustentable de un Vieques Libre > > >Este acto en apoyo a la lucha del pueblo viequense por recuperar su paz, = >su salud y su est=E9tica se di=F3 el d=EDa en que la Marina = >norteamericana notific=F3 que continuar=EDa sus bombardeos a partir de = >hoy. La notificaci=F3n aclara que: "dichos ejercicios navales presentan = >peligro para personas, embarcaciones y pesca''. > > > > >Contactos: Maritza Perez Otero y Zaida Castro Meaux 741-0716, 741-0358 > > > > >Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques > >P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 > >Telefax (787) 741- 0716 e mail: > > > >PRESS RELEASE > > > >I BELIEVE AND CREATE IN VIEQUES: ARTISTS FOR PEACE ENTER THE US NAVY = >RESTRICTED ZONE IN VIEQUES > > > > >Vieques, Puerto Rico. Today, August 28, 2000, a group of graphic artists = >and actors entered the restricted zone of the US Navy on Vieques. The = >artists performed a theatrical-pictoral play titled: I BELIEVE IN = >VIEQUES. They proclaimed the fundamental importance of the landscape, = >which for sixty years the US Navy has been destroying with their war = >practices. This distruction has caused grave damages, not only to the = >landscape but also to the mental, physical and spiritual health of the = >people of Vieques. > > >The artists painted a spectacular human mural in which they portrayed = >the landscape of the Isla Nena (Baby Island-Vieques) that proclaimed, = >"from the esthetic point of view the landscape has been, and will be a = >vital source of inspiration of artistic creation." The artists and = >actors formed two groups: one that entered the restricted area in a = >civil disobedience act, and another group providing support on the = >outside. The support group, besides presenting a mural similar to the = >Vieques landscape, showed another mural that was an adaptaption of the = >world famous painting by Picaso, GUERNICA, to dramatize the serious = >situation of the Navy presence on Vieques. > > >The artists that fooled the military security and entered the restricted = >zone this morning at dawn were: Rafael Trelles, Luis Alonso, Paloma = >Todd, Marta P=E9rez Garc=EDa, El=EDas Adasme and Gustavo Castrodad; and = >the actors Carlos Esteban Fonseca, Cristina Soler and Antonio Sotomayor. = >The support group was composed of the actors and actresses Magaly = >Carrasquillo, Georgina Borri, Maritza P=E9rez Otero, Rosabel Ot=F3n, = >Teresa Hern=E1ndez, Puchi Plat=F3n, Ineabelle Col=F3n, Yamil Collazo, = >Vilma Mart=EDnez, Pep=EDn Lugo and Carlo D'Atili; painter Ta=ED = >Fern=E1ndez, producer Pedro Mu=F1iz and communications expert Zaida = >Castro Meaux. Also Myrna Pag=E1n and Juan Silva, Viequense artists, = >joined the group. > > >>From the main island, master artists Rafael Tufi=F1o, Antonio Martorell, = >Antonio Maldonado, Augusto Mar=EDn, Lorenzo Homar, Myrna B=E1ez and Luis = >Hern=E1ndez Cruz, among others, expressed their solidarity with the = >artists' proclamation.=20 > > >The artists had the logistic support of the Committee for the Rescue and = >Development of Vieques and Peace and Justice Camp of Vieques. The = >Viequenses recognized the importante of this action in support of Peace = >for Vieques and the demands for demilitarization, decontamination, = >return of the lands and sustainable economic development of a Free = >Vieques.=20 > > >This act in support of the struggle of the people of Vieques and their = >right to peace, health and their esthetic well being, took place the day = >the Navy announced the resumption of military exercises.=20 > > > > >Contacts: Maritza Perez Otero y Zaida Castro Meaux 741-0716, 741-0358 > >=20 >=20 >=20 >Robert L. Rabin Siegal >Comit=E9 Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques >Apartado 1424 Vieques, PR 00765 >(787) 741-0716 cel. 375-0525 > >=A1FUERA LA MARINA DE VIEQUES! > > >[------ End Of Original Message -------] > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A The Email You Want. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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