From: | |
Date: | Wed, 6 Dec 2000 15:42:58 -0500 (EST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | RE: [CPEO-MEF] threats |
I have been away from here for quite a spell, watching and working in a much reduced role. However, I am back and to friends and strangers I will say this: The new year comes with much work to be done in expanding all of our vision, our ability to understand those we encounter and engage and our ability to ask instead of assume, respect instead of antagonize. As for Grace and the threats she has recieved. Sad indeed, but certainly not surprising. I pray you are safe and I hope that others have considered what you have revealed and that they are helping where they can. It is important for us to combat the caveman mentality. I have encountered great military and environmental minds in my experiences to date, and I have encountered angry souls who have great difficulty thinking outside of the box and who would rather lash out than work through the challenges before us. I have seen this shortsightedness in the military ranks, in the regulator, in the local politician and certainly among some activists as well. It is time for change to come. It is time for people to be tired of division, both between entities and within entities, and it is time for recognition. It is time for those paid to do military contamination work to recognize and respect the beautiful dedication that so many volunteers demostrate day in and day out. And it is time for those volunteers to recognize and respect the very difficult jobs military personnel, the regulators and others are paid to do everyday. I, too, certainly have been guilty of bad days and poorly focused energy, but I can and will evolve and it is the responsibility of each of us to do so at every opportunity. And for the naysayers out there, I hate to break it to you but the ability to learn and evolve is not limited by, or a function of, age. So, for those who hide behind the "Old Dogs Cant Learn" or "I have all the answers" philosophies, you should make note that these are self-limiting and simply not true. Why write this? Because it is a holiday challenge to all of us to think now about the new year and that which is coming. There are signs that better days are coming in this arena, and it WILL come. While there are many days where these signs are difficult to see, they are there. The future requires Commitment and Compromise more than what has been seen to date, and while some may think they are mutually exclusive, they are not, one actually requires the other. I believe the work in past years has positioned the military, the regulaotrs and the activists for exciting growth. So think long and hard about our assumptions to date about others and about what can and connot be done. I believe you will see them change in the not too distant future. To all, I wish a safe and peaceful holiday season. Oh yes, as for this response to the comment about the Donovan Chamber: <If you believe that the Donovan Blast Chamber is the solution to OB/OD, I'm not sure you understand the problem.> Certainly the Donovan Chamber is only one tool, and while certainly better in some respects than OB/OD, it is primitive as well. But, we can only take one step at a time and there are certainly other tools in the bag, including Tent and Foam, Non-Stockpile's EDS, drill and drain capabilities for explosively configured chemical filled rounds, etc, etc. OB/OD will eventually be gone, but we are far from its extinction (or than again, maybe not as far as some may think;-). So, the Donovan Chamber certainly is not THE solution, though it is a small useful piece in an evolving field. Peace Ted Henry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: ___________________________________________________________ T O P I C A Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics | |
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