2001 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 22 Jan 2001 18:46:31 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
NATO Press Release (2001)006 18 January 2001 
 As there have been a number of queries about the presence of U-236 and
Plutonium in Depleted Uranium munitions used in Kosovo and Bosnia, I wish to
draw to the media's attention the following information. 
 It has been long established that there may be trace elements of U-236 and
Plutonium in Depleted Uranium, which is a by-product of the nuclear  industry.
According to independent experts, however, the levels found are  so low as to
present no cause for concern. 
 Concerning the presence of U-236, I draw your attention to the UN  Environment
Programme press release of January 16. UNEP, with full NATO  support, has taken
DU samples from Kosovo and is having them tested in a  number of laboratories.
Along with the more commonly expected isotopes, one of the laboratories has
reported finding 0.0028% of U-236. The UNEP press  release says, "According to
the laboratory the content of U-236 in the  depleted uranium is so small that
the radiotoxicity is not changed compared to DU without U-236." 
 In other words, from a safety viewpoint, the presence of minute quantities of
U-236 in Depleted Uranium is irrelevant. As NATO has indicated in previous
briefings, Depleted Uranium itself may present a low-level hazard in specific,
limited circumstances. 
 With regard to the presence of Plutonium, I would draw attention to the US
Environment Exposure Report. Depleted Uranium in Gulf: 2. This report was
published, and placed on the Internet on 13 December 2000. It comments on the
presence of trace elements of other materials in Depleted Uranium.
Specifically, it state that Depleted Uranium "may contain trace levels (a few
parts per billion parts) of transuranics (neptunium, plutonium, and
americium)." Tests on samples of DU showed that transuranic contamination added
0.8% to the radiation dose from DU. The report draws the conclusion that "the
quantities are so small they add very little to the radiation dose from
depleted uranium itself. Both DOE (US Department of Energy) and DOD (US
Department of Defense) concluded that measures designed to protect personnel
from the DU itself are more than adequate to protect them from the trace
quantities of transuranics." 
 Thus, from a safety viewpoint, the presence of such small traces of Plutonium
in Depleted Uranium is also irrelevant. This report and the information in it
has been publicly available for some time, and has been restated by independent
experts in more recent media reports. 
 All of the material mentioned above, plus links to other sites and fuller
reports can be found on a special section of the NATO website: 

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