From: | |
Date: | 29 Jun 2001 22:29:33 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] Vieques Digest 6/29/01 |
#1) VIEQUENSES IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE JACKSON FAMILY #2) VIEQUES SUPPORTERS ARRESTED IN HARTFORD ---------------------- #1) ENGLISH VERSION VIEQUENSES IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE JACKSON FAMILY Spokespersons for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CPRDV) expressed their gratitude to Jacqueline Jackson, her husband, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and their children, for Mrs. Jackson's particpation in the recent civil disobedience actions. "Actions in solidarity, such as those of Mrs. Jackson, and the consistent support from renowned religious leaders such as her husband, Rev. Jesse Jackson, have helped to spread the word about the struggle of our people internationally," declared Robert Rabin, CPRDV spokesperson. According to members of the Viequense committee, the firm stance of Mrs. Jackson in the moment of her arrest, her dignified position before the judge, and her rejection of the humiliating body cavity search in prison demonstrate her moral force and commitment to the cause of Vieques. Nilda Medina, member of the Board of Directors of the CPRDV, expressed her gratitude for the efforts of the Jackson family, which according to the viequense leader represent "worthy examples of the historic struggle in the United States for the rights of the African American community and in defense of justice and peace." The viequenses recognized the valuable contribution of the other women prisoners for peace in Vieques, who yesterday also rejected body cavity searches in prison. Viequense - Puerto Rican women have been important inspirations in this long period of struggle to end the military presence in Vieques. #2) VIEQUES SUPPORTERS ARRESTED IN HARTFORD Wednesday June 27, 2001 Hartford, Ct- A group of Vieques supporters were arrested in front of the U.S. Armed Forces Recruitment Center in protest of the United States' Navy's ongoing bombings on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. State Representative Evelyn Mantilla was one of the demonstrators arrested for peaceful civil disobedience. The peacefully assembled group of demonstrators engaged in this act of civil disobedience, in an effort to call on President's Bush to fulfill his moral duty as Commander in Chief to respond to serious violations of human rights. . Organized by the Committee All Connecticut con Vieques, protesters believe that the Navy must immediately end all military activities on the Island. A total of 7 persons were arrested when they blocked the entrance to the military recruitment offices. A group of more than 100 supporters chanted and demonstrated their support as the persons who blocked the entrance of the military offices were being arrested. Several prominent religious and political leaders showed their support from the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Some of the supporters included State Representatives: Art Feltman, Minnie Gonz=E1lez, Felipe Reinoso and Lydia Mart=EDnez. Those arrested were: State Representative Evelyn Mantilla, Francis D=E1vila the Chaiman of Todo Connecticut con Vieques, Jos=E9 A. Garc=EDa social worker, Joyce Tenor from the Hartford Green Party, Cal Robertson Vietnam Veteran, Reynaldo Rojas, graduate student at the University of Connecticut and Brian Kavanagh from the Hartford Catholic Worker. For 61 years, the people of the Puerto Rican municipality of Vieques- made U.S. citizens by an act of the U.S. Congress-have been subjected to the expropriation of their lands, forced migration and expatriation, bombings and the destruction of the island's economy, natural resources and environment, at the hands of the United States Navy. The U.S. government denies the impact of bombing practices in Vieques, and justifies its actions as essential to the U.S. national security. Yet, while the U.S. Navy's presence and practices have destroyed the island's key industries (fishing, agriculture, and cattle-ranching), the Navy employs only 30 of the island's 9400 local residents. Today, there exists an unemployment rate of almost 50%, and 72% of the island residents live below the poverty level, according to conservative estimates. More startling is that the children of Vieques are born, and its people live, condemned to the slow and painful torture of preventable, painful and deadly diseases. For over sixty years, Navy bombings have produced toxic levels of lead and cadmium contamination. The Navy's admitted use of tons of explosives, uranium shells, and napalm has led to an island-wide cancer rate which exceeds that of the Puerto Rico's main island by 27%, according to Puerto Rico Department of Health. Other diseases such as lukemia, scleroderma, lupus, thyroid deficiencies and asthma plague the island residents in much higher rates than the Puerto Rican nation as a whole. Every bomb dropped on the practice range further spreads the contamination. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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