2001 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 23 Jul 2001 18:06:21 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] ITRC releases three documents on innovative environmental technolog
For Immediate Release
Contact: Roseanne Black (540) 557-6101

ITRC releases three documents on innovative environmental technologies 

The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) Work Group has
released three guidance documents to help regulators, environmental
consultants, and stakeholders understand and address pertinent issues involved
in the use of phytotechnologies, in situ chemical oxidation, and diffusion

Phytotechnology Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document (PHYTO-2) is the
second product of ITRC's Phytotechnologies Team. This document describes
phytotechnologies-a set of technologies using plants to remediate or contain
contaminants in soil, groundwater, surface water, or sediments-and the various
applications useful in the field of remediation. Some of these technologies
have become attractive alternatives to conventional cleanup technologies due to
relatively low costs and the inherently aesthetic nature of planted sites. This
guidance outlines regulatory considerations, details current research efforts,
provides case studies that focus on relevant functioning mechanisms, and
highlights questions regulators can ask when reviewing remediation work plans
involving phytotechnologies. 

Technical and Regulatory Guidance for In Situ Chemical Oxidation of
Contaminated Soil and Groundwater (ISCO-1) is the first product of ITRC's In
Situ Chemical Oxidation Team. This guidance document addresses the technical
and regulatory issues that impact the use of in situ chemical oxidation-a
technology that delivers chemical oxidants to destroy and/or convert
contaminants into innocuous compounds commonly found in nature. Because the
oxidants used are readily available and treatment time is usually calculated in
months rather than years, the technology has provoked an increase in popularity
with the environmental remediation field.

User's Guide for Polyethylene-Based Diffusion Bag Samplers to Obtain Volatile
Organic Compound Concentrations in Wells (DSP-1) was prepared by the U.S.
Geological Survey with participation provided by ITRC's Diffusion 
Sampler Protocol Team, the Air Force, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command,
EPA, and others. Diffusion samplers are a relatively simple and inexpensive way
to sample groundwater for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) without
compromising data quality or sampling objectives. Since purging is not
required, this methodology could potentially result in significant cost 
savings for facilities where long-term monitoring of VOCS in groundwater is
being conducted. This guidance document presents methods for passive diffusion
bag (PDB) samplers, approaches for determining the applicability of PDB
samplers, and factors influencing interpretation of the data. ITRC technical
teams have collectively produced more than 30 guidance documents on innovative
environmental technologies. ITRC's entire inventory 
of guidance documents is available online at the ITRC Web site at
www.itrcweb.org. Click on "Guidance Documents" and then on the relevant ITRC
team (Phytotechnologies, In Situ Chemical Oxidation, or Diffusion Sampler
Protocol) to download ITRC's newest products. ITRC is a state-led group that
works to overcome regulatory barriers to the deployment of innovative
environmental technologies. ITRC participants come from the ranks of state
regulatory agencies, federal agencies concerned with environmental cleanup,
environmental consulting firms, and technology vendors. These diverse ITRC
participants work together in technical teams to develop documents and training
to help regulators develop a consistent and streamlined approach for regulating
innovative technologies. ITRC products 
also help environmental consultants improve the way innovative technologies are

ITRC is co-chaired by Brian Sogorka (bsogorka@dep.state.nj.us 
<mailto:bsogorka@dep.state.nj.us>) and Roger Kennett 
<mailto:roger_kennett@enmenv.state.nm.us>). The leaders of the 
Phytotechnologies Team are Bob Mueller (bmueller@dep.state.nj.us 
<mailto:bmueller@dep.state.nj.us>) and Dib Goswami (dgos461@ecy.wa.gov 
<mailto:dgos461@ecy.wa.gov>). Heading up the In Situ Chemical Oxidation Team 
is Tom Stafford (t_stafford@deq.state.la.us 
<mailto:t_stafford@deq.state.la.us>). Paul Bergstrand 
<mailto:bergstpm@columb34.dhec.state.sc.us>) and George Nicholas 
(gnichola@dep.state.nj.us <mailto:gnichola@dep.state.nj.us>) lead the 
Diffusion Sampler Protocol Team.

# # # # 

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