2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 31 Mar 2003 14:55:19 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Military Pass: Don't exempt armed forces on environmental laws
Military Pass: Don't exempt armed forces on environmental laws
March 31, 2003

Congress has beaten back attempts in the past to exempt the military
from environmental laws. This time around, as the nation swells with
support for its soldiers, the fight will be even tougher -- but no less
correct. The military does not need carte blanche to roil the land, air
and water at home.

The free pass sought for the armed forces would let them violate the
Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Recovery Act and
more. Of particular concern to any state with a military base, good
rules about cleaning up contamination from weapons tests and other
activities would go by the wayside. The provisions would even extend to
ordnance tested by manufacturers at their own sites.

On a case-by-case basis, the military already can bypass environmental
rules when national security is at stake. So far, it has worked readily
within the rules. Certainly U.S. Marines operating overseas seem no less
prepared because they have had to work around the 5 percent of land at
Camp Pendleton in California that has critical habitat for endangered
species. A federal court case over the effect of sonar testing on whales
also has led to some restrictions but still left lots of ocean for the

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