2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 16 May 2003 20:52:26 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Air Force challenges draft TCE assessment
The following was posted by Larry Ladd <llladd@sprintmail.com>

"The presumption that the reason DoD would challenge a draft assessment
is "because [it] would cost the military money" to protect the public
health suggests that the men and women within DoD are reckless and
irresponsible, and indifferent to
the protection of the American people (including themselves and their
families).  I know of no such individuals within DoD or within any of
the Services."

I do. I served with more than a few.

As for specific examples: 1. whoever in 1999 ordered Air Force
researcher Cornell Long not to examine perchlorate accumulation in food
crops. 2. the officer who probably ordered the 1961 unsymmetrical
dimethyl hydrazine rocket fuel spill  in the American River covered up
and the simultaneous discontinuation of onsite perchlorate monitoring at
Aerojet Rancho
Cordova. Most likely it was Admiral Bill Raborn, supervisor of the
Polaris missile project and later head of the Central Intelligence

_From California Dept. of Water Resources Bulletin No. 133, "Folsom-East
Sacramento Ground Water Quality Investigation," March 1964, p. 44:
"Certain compounds that may degrade ground waters or cannot be safely
disposed of, such as ammonium and potassium perchlorate and contaminated
trichloroethylene, are collected and sealed in approved containers and
dumped at sea in an approved dumping area."

That was the conclusion to the official investigation into the 1961 fish
kill on the American River downstream from Aerojet.

Do you really think the officer corps in the Pentagon unanimously and
without exception cares whether or not Rodney King and his kids in
Rialto, California drink 800 ppb perchlorate or not?

Larry Ladd


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