2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: loc@icx.net
Date: 24 Jul 2003 14:12:48 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RE: [CPEO-MEF] Warning of toxic aftermath from uranium munitions
The American use of depleted uranium munitions in both Persian Gulf wars
has unleashed a toxic disaster that will eclipse the Agent Orange
tragedy of the Vietnam War, a former top Army official said Monday

Former Maj. Douglas Rokke, who was director of the Army's depleted
uranium project, spoke to 125 people at the Buffalo & Erie County
Historical Society. The Champaign, Ill., science professor was brought
here by the Western New York Peace Center.
There is good reason to question Doug Rokke's assertions about the health effects of DU munitions. He misrepresents his credentials and expertise, and makes numerous claims refutable by known health effects from exposure to uranium. Below is the text from two letters, one to the reporter and the other to the editor of "The Age" regarding an article about Rokke (see http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/06/27/1056683904035.html ). Each letter writer worked with Rokke.

From radsafe-digest V1 #834

My letter to "The Age":

Re: Blowing the N-Whistle, June 28 2003

Dear Ms. Alcorn:

Dr. Rokke apparently misled you on several points as you prepared your article.

He was never a US military researcher.

He was never a scientific expert on depleted uranium, much less the Pentagon's senior expert.

While I cannot tell you why he was sacked (US Privacy Act), I can tell it was not for his "public views." His first presented these views only after he lost his job.

Scientists are not divided and much pertinent research has been done to show that Rokke's allegations about the DU's health effects are false.

Damaged vehicles were left behind and buried because their recovery was uneconomical, not because they were "too dangerous to move."

He was not recalled to head a "depleted uranium project in Nevada." He inserted himself, but the US Department of Energy only allowed him there as an observer.

In the past he has named friends he has "lost" who are still very much alive and well.

While uranium can cause harm internally, it must exceed a threshold well above natural levels. Rokke and soldiers in the Gulf War never exceeded that threshold except for friendly fire survivors. Those survivors have never shown ill health attributable to uranium still in their bodies.

If Rokke misleads you about these easily verifiable facts, how much of his story can you believe?

Robert Cherry, Ph.D
Certified Health Physicist
Colonel, US Army (retired)
From radsafe-digest V1 #835:

Dear Editor,
Your reporter, Gay Alcorn, has just published (28 June 03) an article on Doug Rokke, with the highest count of errors per paragraph ever recorded to my knowledge. It is embarrassing to read such tripe knowing Doug Rokke so well and experiencing the ease with which even a cub reporter on a high school paper could trip him up. In a nutshell, not one of his "facts" could be verified if you even bothered a perfunctory check.
I was his supervisor at Fort McClellan, AL where he was called to duty to work under me while I was the Director of the Bradley Radiation Laboratories at the U.S. Army Chemical School. It would take too much space to detail the lies he told your reporter, but here is a minuscule sample: he is not a Health Physicist, he was not "put in charge" of anything, he did NOT loose his job from speaking out: that came later, etc. etc. ad nauseum!
Disappointedly, Ed L. Battle, PhD (in Physics, not education like Dr. Rokke's), COL, USAF (Ret)
For those interested in viewing more postings on Radsafe (a listserve for radiation safety professionals) that discuss Rokke's allegations and other information on health effects of DU, the archives may be found at http://www.vanderbilt.edu/radsafe/

Susan Gawarecki

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