2003 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 13 Oct 2003 18:39:41 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Navy to Limit Deployment of Low Frequency Sonar
Navy to Limit Deployment of Low Frequency Sonar
Decision Comes After Reports that Sonar Can Kill Whales
By Marc Kaufman
Monday, October 13, 2003; 1:48 PM

The Navy has agreed in court to drastically limit deployment of its
controversial low-frequency sonar system, which environmental groups
contend is so loud that it can disorient and kill already endangered
whales and other sea creatures.

By agreeing to a permanent injunction against global use of the new
sonar, the Navy gave the environmental groups what they called a
"groundbreaking" agreement and success. The accord, which limits the
Navy to less than one percent of the global range that it requested and
that was initially granted by federal authorities, was reached last week
as part of a lawsuit in federal district court in California.

Environmental groups said they will use their success with the U.S. Navy
to begin a worldwide campaign against the high-powered, low-frequency
sonar and that a bill was scheduled to be introduced in the European
Parliament today to limit the sonar use by NATO.

But the groups may not be celebrating for long because military leaders
are pushing for legislative changes that would allow the use of such
sonar. Navy spokesman Lt. Commander Cappy Surette said today that the
Navy does not see the agreement as a positive development and that "it
will limit the readiness of our sailors and marines to meet the
submarine threats of the new century."

He said the agreement and permanent injunction also "highlight why
legislative change is required to achieve a statutory regime that
effectively considers important national interests and national

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