2006 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 9 Sep 2006 05:52:53 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] South Weymouth NAS (MA) Basewide Watershed Assessment
Lenny et al,

I apologize if my including both mailing lists on this causes any irritating redundancies.

As introduction, my name is Dave Wilmot. I'm one of many sick folks living in proximity to a former Naval Air Station in southeastern Massachusetts.

I don't believe the Federal government is funding Base Realignment And Closure(BRAC) remediations responsibly.

I don't believe the Department of Defense should hold power over public health initiatives in this country.

I believe true Environmental Justice should be available to all people as God given blessings and never forfeited for financial or political positions.

Eight years into the fight, and basic truths are still being ignored.

Lenny, if you find my postings in any way inappropriate for your subscribers, please let me know. As you know, it's important we all communicate to keep things moving in the right direction.

                          regards, dave <DCatbird37@aol.com>

Subject: South Weymouth NAS Basewide Watershed Assessment Presentation From: DCatbird37@aol.com Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 12:32:24 EDT To: [Original recipient list deleted]

As was stated on previous July 19 letter, I regret my absence at the last(7-20-06) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting, to hear first-hand the long-awaited "Basewide Watershed Assessment (BWA)" presentation.

I have just received and reviewed the minutes collected at that meeting, and although a vast majority of my concerns stated on the 7-19 letter remain unanswered, I will keep my comments here to discussions regarding meeting minutes.

Bryan, I am addressing this email to Mary Sanderson here, as I realize many of my concerns are far and away out of your jurisdiction and require serious discussion in Washington prior to responsible adoption.

Mary, I sincerely believe you can readily see the issues that need be "kicked upstairs", to best protect Environmental Justice and Public Health during military base closings.

I would hope your position puts you in place to expand the audience of these valid concerns, to help restore responsible remediative practices to the process of environmental cleanup required in transferring federal facilities.

Any questions I posed that you feel comfortable in answering I would much appreciate your responses to.

I am happy to learn that your presentation was attended by some local watershed folks. Their expertise in this area is much needed in these studies and deliberations.

I have cc'd them here to continue this promotion of public process.

I was, on the other hand, disappointed to realize that our appointed development overseers, South Shore Tri-Town Development(SSTTDC) found so little of interest in this presentation, that they failed to send any representative to the proceedings.

Reading recent articles in the Weymouth news, I see where SSTTDC is anxious to arrange a final land transfer of 835 acres to appease their "Master Developer" and the Navy. This is being pushed for with full knowledge that yet to be addressed CERCLA(Superfund designated) toxic sites remain on property, and base crossing waterways are passing through those sites. Ground water characterization studies are just now being conducted.

Yet, SSTTDC the development board in place to protect our citizens best interests, are pushing for a land transference so an outside development interest can build houses in a soft housing market, in towns already overtaxed for municipal services(water, sewer, trash, schools, clogged road systems), and SSTTDC feels it's right in removing the Navy from it's cleanup responsibilities. How can a panel of people appointed to protect our best interests truly believe they're doing this?

A further recent article quotes SSTTDC Executive Director Terry Fancher as saying "When the (airbase land) gets conveyed, it will be cleaned to our satisfaction.", and at the same time clearly demonstrates his lack of regard for the ongoing cleanup and environmental health of the transferring airbase land in that he doesn't find it necessary to send a representative to a important reporting on studies of underlying airbase watershed impact that's been at least four years in the making?

I will have to provide you with my input to the Basewide Watershed Assessment RAB meeting at a later time. Irresponsible and deceptive practices wear me out.

God bless you all, dave wilmot

Lenny Siegel
Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918

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