2006 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Stella Bourassa" <Stellalogic@cfl.rr.com>
Date: 15 Sep 2006 02:20:21 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: [CPEO-MEF] Death of former Kelly AFB worker
Regarding the statement below:

The Defense Department disputes the toxicity of chemicals used at its
military bases, and had blocked public disclosure of the Environmental
Protection Agency's 2001 findings about their carcinogenic risks.

As I read that statement, all I could think about was my own 'foolishness'
in believing the military 'preaching' about 'protecting the health and
welfare of human beings and the environment.'

As long as there is war and 'bombs', there is going to be environmental
damage, limbs blown off, mental conditions like PTSD from the 'reality' of
war, dead sons, daughters, husbands and wives - 'affecting' not just our
military but civilians as well.

It would take a major miracle to change those on this planet who have an
attitude of arrogant (and beyond reproach) domination of others via war,
invasion, intimidation and the devices necessary to do so.  I can only
imagine what others around this world are suffering with due to such


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lenny Siegel" <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
To: "Military Environmental Forum" <military@list.cpeo.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:29 PM
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Death of former Kelly AFB worker

> Work-Related (Or: How many lives can a carcinogen touch?)
> By Keli Dailey
> San Antonio Current (TX)
> September 13, 2006
> Los Dos Gilbertos sing a conjunto farewell to accompany a photo
> slideshow projected near the closed, silver casket. "Hija Mia Nunca Te
> Olvidare" reads a banner draped over one of the floral arrangements;
> from the family viewing area, 80-year-old Janie Saenz sobs her
> daughter's name. "I remember that," someone in the Palm Heights Mortuary
> memorial room says when the constant in the photos, a composed
> middle-aged woman in oversized, blush-tinted glasses, appears with a
> young bride and groom.
>  From the slideshow alone, Mary Lou Ornelas's life would appear to have
> been one of celebrations, family milestones, leisure - various
> snapshots feature smiling guests sitting beside her on a couch in a
> wood-paneled living room. But the 59-year-old's life was also one of
> work; as a single mother of four, she'd often work two jobs, sometimes
> cleaning houses. And in 1978, she got a job at Kelly Air Force Base. Her
> family says working there killed her.
> The Defense Department disputes the toxicity of chemicals used at its
> military bases, and had blocked public disclosure of the Environmental
> Protection Agency's 2001 findings about their carcinogenic risks. In
> July, a report affiliated with the National Academies of Sciences
> reaffirmed some of the EPA's risk assessments [see "Blinded With
> Science," August 9-15, 2006], which may contribute to discussions about
> the cause of Ornelas's liver cancer and the San Antonio native's death
> on September 3.
> ...
> For the entire article, see
> -- 
> Lenny Siegel
> Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
> c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
> Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
> Fax: 650/961-8918
> http://www.cpeo.org
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> Military mailing list
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