If they have "no problem" admitting wrong-doing, then make them pay the
money back. ~Cfw~~
In a message dated 10/22/2010 12:48:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
lennysiegel@gmail.com writes:
upset over Riverbank scrap metal sales
By Kevin Valine Modesto Bee
(CA) October 13, 2010
RIVERBANK - The Army Corps of Engineers has
whacked the city's knuckles after the city removed and sold more than
$390,000 in scrap metal from the former Army ammunition plant without
City officials acknowledge that they made a
"We have no problem saying we moved prematurely, and we are
doing everything to correct it," said Debbie Olson, executive director of
the Local Redevelopment Authority, the city agency that oversees the
former ammunition plant.
The city has been leasing the plant from
the Army since April 1 at no cost and is developing it into an industrial
park, with the understanding that eventually the Army will turn plant
ownership over to the city.
The city said it had good intentions
when it hired an asset management firm to sell surplus Army equipment and
scrap metal. Olson said that was done to make room for more business
tenants at the 173-acre site at Claus and Claribel
For the entire article,
see http://www.modbee.com/2010/10/12/1380833/army-upset-over-sales.html
Lenny Siegel Executive Director, Center for Public
Environmental Oversight a project of the Pacific Studies Center 278-A
Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or
650/969-1545 Fax:
650/961-8918 <lsiegel@cpeo.org> http://www.cpeo.org
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