EXHIBIT HALL: The Symposium & Workshop will feature poster presentations and exhibit booths that showcase technologies and scientific advancements from a variety of environmental research programs. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn first-hand about ongoing and recently completed SERDP research projects and ESTCP technology demonstrations. Those wishing to be considered to present a poster in the Exhibit Hall must submit an abstract no later than July 29, 2011. (Poster Abstract Information) PLENARY SESSION AND PROJECT-OF-THE-YEAR AWARDS: The opening Plenary Session will feature three keynote speakers who will address environmental challenges facing DoD. Also, as part of the Plenary Session, SERDP and ESTCP Principal Investigators who have helped DoD achieve its mission while improving its environmental performance will be honored as the annual SERDP and ESTCP Project-of-the-Year Awards are announced. TECHNICAL SESSIONS AND SHORT COURSES: A comprehensive technical program consisting of concurrent technical sessions and short courses covering a variety of scientific and technical subjects will follow the Plenary Session. Professional Development Hours (PDH) will be offered for all short courses. Attendance for these courses will be limited, and space will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will open in late July and is required to reserve a spot. Below are this year’s technical session and short course topics. Additional details are available at www.serdp-estcp.org/symposium. TECHNICAL SESSIONS: - Energy Management and Technologies for DoD Buildings
- Renewable Energy on DoD Installations
- Microgrids for Energy Security on DoD Installations
- Challenges to Military Readiness Posed by Climate Change
- Pacific Island Restoration Challenges
- Role of Fire in the Carbon Cycle under Climate Change
- Incorporating Innovative Technologies to Meet DoD Restoration Goals from Remedy in Place to Response Complete
- Environmental Molecular Diagnostic Tools: Innovations and Applications
- Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Contaminants Stored in Low Permeability Zones
- Best Management Practices for Controlling Munitions Constituents on Operational Ranges
- Classification Applied to Munitions Response – Development
- Classification Applied to Munitions Response – Production Applications
- National and International Regulatory Impacts on DoD Operations: Refining the Goals of DoD’s Strategic Plan for ‘REACH’
- Next Generation Energetic Materials – Striking a Balance between Performance, Insensitivity, and Environmental Sustainability
- Impact of Particulate Emissions from Gas Turbine Powered Aircraft
SHORT COURSES: - Estimating DNAPL Source Zone Natural Attenuation
- Thermal Treatment Technologies: Lessons Learned
- Implementing Classification on a Munitions Response Project
- Field Methods to Distinguish between Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Sources of VOCs
SERDP AND ESTCP FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: During the Symposium & Workshop, the Executive Director of SERDP and ESTCP will present an overview of the proposal submittal processes and discuss opportunities to conduct research and technology demonstrations. |