2013 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 07:53:08 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Fwd: Join EPA Webinars on Vapor Intrusion - 3/18/2013 and 3/19/2013
Please excuse redundant postings.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Simone, Emaly N." <emaly@rti.org>
Date: March 12, 2013 7:43:08 AM PDT
To: "Simone, Emaly N." <emaly@rti.org>
Cc: "Truesdale, Robert S." <rst@rti.org>, <Schuver.Henry@epamail.epa.gov>, "Scruggs, Matthew" <mscruggs@rti.org>
Subject: Join EPA Webinars on Vapor Intrusion - 3/18/2013 and 3/19/2013


Please join us for a two-part EPA Webinar on vapor intrusion. Part 1 will be the Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder-Involvement Forum: Improving Communication, Outreach, and Decisions at Vapor Intrusion Sites - Monday, March, 18, 2013, from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT. Part 2 will be Looking Beyond Natural Variation in Vapor Intrusion: Understanding, Controlling, and Addressing Site Variables for Improved Practices and Effective Protection Strategies – Tuesday, March 19, 2013 from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM PDT.

Each Webinar will open 15 minutes before the scheduled start time to get everyone on board. If you are planning to participate in this Webinar in a group setting (e.g., several people in a conference room), we would appreciate it if you would send a list of attendees and their organizations to emaly@rti.org.  It is helpful to keep an accurate account of attendees to send notice/reminders for similar Webinars in the future. Additional information about each Webinar and links to register for the Webinar are below.  Agendas and draft presentations will be available at https://iavi.rti.org/WorkshopsAndConferences.cfm as they become available.

There is no cost to attend these Webinars. Please register for each part separately.

Part 1 - Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder-Involvement Forum: Improving Communication, Outreach, and Decisions at Vapor Intrusion Sites

When: Monday, March, 18, 2013, from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/673931522

Abstract: As a growing number of vapor intrusion investigations are undertaken throughout the country, the people whose homes, workplaces, and schools are impacted are raising questions and concerns. These including the notification of building occupants, requirements for new construction, the need for more frequent monitoring, and the better delineation of vapor intrusion study areas. As many as a dozen presenters from California to Massachusetts will discuss these issues in light of their experiences in their own communities at an EPA-hosted live and real-time Internet-accessible forum. The forum is designed to help develop national policies and practices to provide meaningful stakeholder-involvement in the technical assessment, risk management/decision making, and mitigation processes for addressing potential Vapor Intrusion exposures.

Part 2 - Looking Beyond Natural Variation in Vapor Intrusion: Understanding, Controlling, and Addressing Site Variables for Improved Practices and Effective Protection Strategies

When: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM PDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/849901442

Abstract: To help regulators, consultants, and other parties make sound and confident decisions when assessing and mitigating the vapor intrusion (VI) pathway, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Offices of Research and Development (ORD) and Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) are sponsoring a workshop to provide information on accounting for and controlling site variables when making decisions at VI sites. The workshop will focus on VI temporal and spatial variability and how to consider it when assessing and mitigating VI. The talks will begin with two in-depth single-building studies that are getting beyond natural variation by controlling or isolating key variables, followed by several talks that look at different aspects of both spatial and temporal variability from studies of multiple buildings and multiple sites across the United States. At the end of the day, a panel of experts will discuss the findings of the day by addressing several important questions relevant to how to best consider variability when devising effective protection strategies for the VI pathway.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

Remember to mute your phones and computers while participating in the Webinar.

Please direct questions to Emaly Simone at emaly@rti.org.

Thank you,

Emaly N. Simone
RTI International
3040 Cornwallis Rd.
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
Phone: (919) 541-1296
Fax: (919) 541-7155


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918

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