From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:02:56 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] VOCs: "Fort Drum [NY] Waste Disposal Areas- 3800 PCE Site" |
Fort Drum Waste Disposal Areas- 3800 PCE Site New York State Department of Environmental Conservation February, 2016 Proposed Remedial Action Plan The remedy proposed for the site includes: Remediating the groundwater in the source area through the injection of a chemical oxidant (sodium permanganate). This will remove the source of contamination and enhance the natural attenuation of the chlorinated volatile organic chemical (CVOC) groundwater plume. Institutional controls would be put in place to prevent use of the groundwater within this aquifer. These institutional controls would be maintained by the incorporation of the controls into the Ft. Drum base management plan immediately and through the preparation of an environmental easement for the area of the groundwater plume which will be recorded in the future at the time of the property's transfer from federal ownership. The easement will require the owner and/or any person responsible for implementing the controls to periodically certify that such institutional controls are in place. Long term groundwater monitoring would demonstrate natural attenuation of the plume after source removal and that the impacted area does not fall beyond the institutional control boundaries established in the base management plan and environmental easement. Summary of the Investigation A total of 279 soil samples were collected from various depth intervals and analyzed for volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) during the Remedial Investigation. The highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentration in a saturated soil sample was 350 parts per billion (ppb) from a sample collected at a depth of 63 feet below ground surface. All of the detected soil concentrations were well below the unrestricted use soil cleanup objective for PCE of 1,300 ppb. Eight soil vapor samples were collected from the perimeter of Building 1885. The highest concentration of PCE in soil gas was detected near the southeast portion of this building. Subsequently, a vapor intrusion survey was implemented to assess chlorinated volatile organic chemicals (CVOCs) in sub-slab vapor and indoor air at both Building 1885 and Building 1880. The highest concentration of PCE beneath the slab of Building 1885 was detected in the eastern portion of the building, beneath the maintenance pit. CVOCs were not detected in indoor air samples collected at Buildings 1880 and 1885. No mitigation for potential vapor intrusion is required based on these findings. Groundwater sampling data obtained from 75 monitoring wells was used to characterize dissolved-phase CVOCs in groundwater. The only CVOCs detected above the groundwater quality standard were PCE and trichloroethene (TCE). The highest PCE levels were found in the shallow groundwater in the upgradient portions of the Site. The highest concentration of PCE detected was 906 ppb. The dissolved-phase PCE plume extends downgradient to the groundwater discharge point at the unnamed creek between the cells of the Old Sanitary Landfill. … For the entire fact sheet, see -- Lenny Siegel Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight a project of the Pacific Studies Center 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 <> _______________________________________________ Military mailing list | |
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