2023 CPEO Military List Archive

From: <info@cswab.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:58:33 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] PFAS Contamination at Defense Sites Threatens Drinking Water Nationwide including WISCONSIN
PFAS Contamination at Defense Sites Threatens Drinking Water Nationwide
including WISCONSIN

Underground plumes of PFAS flowing from Department of Defense (DoD)
installations across the U.S. are in the proximity of nearby drinking water
supplies, according to a new DoD report. The report, required by Congress,
found that plumes of PFAS flowing from 245 of 275 DoD installations were
close to groundwater aquifers that are used as primary or secondary drinking
water sources.

Here in Wisconsin, unsafe levels of PFAS have been detected in groundwater
at the following military bases:

1. Badger Army Ammunition Plant (Baraboo, WI)
2. General Mitchell Air Reserve Station (BRAC) (Milwaukee, WI)
3. General Mitchell State Air National Guard Base (Milwaukee, WI)
4. Madison Army Aviation Support Facility #2 (Madison, WI)
5. Truax Field State Air National Guard Base (Madison, WI)
6. U.S. Army Garrison Fort McCoy (Sparta, WI)
7. Volk Field State Air National Guard Base (Camp Douglas, WI)
8. West Bend Army Aviation Support Facility #1 / Armory (West Bend, WI)

As early as 2017, DoD reported concentrations of two PFAS chemicals (PFOA &
PFOS) in groundwater at Wisconsin?s U.S. Army Garrison Fort McCoy at
concentrations as high as 121,000 ng/L, at General Mitchell?s 440th as high
as 10,800 ng/L, at Volk Field Air National Guard as high as 23,000 ng/L and
at Wisconsin Air National Guard Truax Field as high as 39,841 ng/L.  By
comparison, state health officials have recommended a groundwater standard
of only 20 ng/L for the summed total concentration of PFOA, PFOS, and four
additional PFAS compounds (FOSA, NEtFOSA, NEtFOSAA, and NEtFOSE).

More at

Laura Olah | Executive Director
Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger | www.CSWAB.org 

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