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The Technology Tree offers public stakeholders a user-friendly, "front end", decision-making tool for learning about the available types of environmental characterization and remediation technologies. Rather than duplicate existing information on professional databases, the Tree provides links to those databases. The Tree does not endorse or oppose specific technologies. Rather, it relays information from government agencies, vendors, environmental organizations, and others that allows users to participate knowledgeably in the selection of cleanup remedies or other relevant technologies.

If you DO know |
If you DON'T know |
... the technology you're looking for then search through the alphabetized technology list on the |
... the technology you're looking for, then you can do a 'search' that fits your criteria, on the
Tech List Page |
Tech Chart Page |

The Resources Page can directly link you to additional information about cleanup technologies not contained in the Tree's Web site. This page contains other relevant information CPEO has compiled.
If you are interested in searching for professional, independent, environmental consultants, you can peruse the People Tree Consultant Directory. Listed consultants normally represent public/community stakeholders. The People Tree is not an endorsement of those listed and potential clients will need to conduct their own evaluation process.
We have not provided technology-specific links for this WWW site because the services on these databases require registration, subscription fees, or information. The Cleanup Technology Links page provides direct links to certain databases sites on the World Wide Web.
This page was last updated 10/2002
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