Catalytic Reductive Dehalogenation
Catalytic Reductive Dehalogenation (CRD) uses dissolved hydrogen as a
reducing agent, in the presence of a palladium-on-alumina catalyst, to
chemically transform compounds such as trichloroethylene
(TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) into environmentally benign ethene
without the accumulation of intermediate transformation products such as vinyl
chloride. The catalyst, called a reactor, can be placed in an extraction well
or above ground. As water is pumped through the reactor, it is broken down,
very similar to the passive Permeable Reactive
Barrier technology. Because of its rapid reaction rates (within several
minutes removal efficiencies for most of the chlorinated hydrocarbons
are greater than 99%), a treatment unit system can be placed in a dual-screened
well, allowing contaminated groundwater
to be drawn from one water-bearing zone, treated within the well, and
discharged to an adjacent zone.
The extra cost of the palladium catalyst is justified when groundwater has
that are safer to leave in the ground, such as radionuclides.
The system was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) so
that tritiated groundwater would not be brought to the surface while TCE was
destroyed. The groundwater contains high concentrations of TCE (up to 30 parts
per million) as well as tritium (up to 20,000 picocuries/L). The presence of
tritium in the groundwater complicates conventional pump-and-treat approaches
to remediating the chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination because of the
potential for accidental releases to the environment as well as the need to
dispose of mixed wastes (tritiated spent activated carbon) generated from air
Limitations and Concerns
With in-well treatment systems, the geology of the site must be thoroughly
understood. At LLNL, one of the well screens was in an area that would not
accept the volume of water being pumped through the reactor. Therefore, LLNL
built a second reactor above ground for ex-situ
treatment with re-injection of the contaminated (tritiated) water.
The technology reduces chlorinated solvents such as
TCE and PCE, without leaving harmful byproducts. It can be used in-situ
(at LLNL the reactor is 140 feet down a well), or ex-situ.
Technology Development Status
LLNL and Stanford University developed this system for rapidly destroying
chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants dissolved in groundwater. There is a full-
scale system in operation at LLNL.
Web Links
Other Resources and Demonstrations
See description of Permeable Reactive
Barrier Walls.
See related report, Field Evaluation of a Horizontal Well Recirculation
System for Groundwater Treatment: Field Demonstration at X-701B Portsmouth
Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Piketon, Ohio, 1998, ORNL/TM—13529, NTIS:
DE98058132, 173 pp. This report describes
the field-scale demonstration of in-situ treatment of groundwater using horizontal recirculation coupled with
treatment modules. Groundwater contamination consists of trichloroethylene and
See for project description at LLNL.