Fracturing is a technology designed to increase the efficiency of removal
and in-situ
treatment techniques. It is primarily used in difficult soil conditions to
enlarge existing fissures and introduce new fractures. The new fractures occur
primarily in the horizontal direction, and they facilitate Soil Vapor Extraction
(SVE) or methods that inject gases or fluids for Enhanced
Bioremediation. Common soil fracturing technologies include blast-enhanced
fracturing, pneumatic fracturing (PF), the LasagnaTM
process, and hydrofracturing.
Blast-enhanced Fracturing.
Blast-enhanced fracturing is used at sites with fractured bedrock
formations. Boreholes
are drilled, filled with explosives, and detonated to create new fractures.
Pneumatic Fracturing (PF). In the PF
process, wells are drilled in the contaminated zone. Small (0.6-meter or
2-foot) portions of the zone receive short bursts (about 20 seconds) of
compressed air. This fractures a small radius surrounding each well. The
process is repeated throughout the contaminated zone. These new passageways
increase the effectiveness of in situ processes and enhance extraction efficiencies by increasing contact
between contaminants adsorbed onto soil particles and the extraction system.
This technology is used primarily to fracture silts, clays, shale, and bedrock.
Hydrofracturing. Hydrofracturing
injects pressurized water into wells to increase the permeability
of the soil matrix. The process creates fissures, which expand away from the
wells. The fissures are filled with a porous slurry composed
of sand and guar gum gel. The sand grains hold the fracture open while an
enzyme additive breaks the guar gum down into a thinned fluid. The fluid is
pumped from the fracture, leaving permeable subsurface channels. The hydraulic
fracturing process is repeated at varying depths (typically 5 to 30 ft)
creating a ÒstackÓ of sand-filled fractures. This technology is used primarily
to fracture silts, clays, shale, and bedrock. Hydraulic fracturing is
applicable to a complete range of contaminant groups with no particular target
Process. LasagnaTM is an integrated, in-situ treatment and removal technology. It uses
electroosmosis and electrokinetics to move contaminants
and groundwater
in treatment layers (hence, Lasagna) in the contaminated soil. Fracturing is
used to create sorption/degradation zones horizontally in the subsurface soil.
(See the technical description of Electrokinetics.)
Limitations and Concerns
Fracturing may open new pathways for the unwanted spread of contaminants.
The final location of new fractures is not controllable.
Pockets of low permeability may still remain after using this technology.
The technology should not be used in areas of high seismic activity.
Hydraulic fracturing is not suitable for disturbed soils or fill material.
Investigation of possible underground utilities, structures, or trapped free
product is required.
Fracturing near existing wells may damage well
casings and seals.
An Underground Injection Control Permit will likely be required.
Typically hydraulic fractures are installed at depths ranging from 5 to 60
ft below ground surface, although some applications have targeted deeper zones.
At more shallow depths, fractures have a tendency to climb and vent to the
Displacement of soil will accompany hydraulic fracturing. The effects of
this displacement must be evaluated at each site. Creating a shallow fracture
(6 to 8 feet deep, for example) in soil typically raises the ground by roughly
1 inch, radiating around the fracture for roughly 8 to 25 ft.
If hot-fluid recirculation is planned, off-gas
containment and treatment, as well as subsurface dewatering (to remove water
generated by steam injection or to lower the water table for SVE) should be
Fracturing is applicable to the complete range of contaminant types. While
it can be used in the saturated subsurface, it is primarily used to fracture
soil and rock, including bedrock.
Technology Development Status
Fracturing is widely used in the petroleum and water-well construction
industries. While commercially available, it is an innovative method for use in
waste remediation. Pneumatic fracturing technology is currently available
from only one vendor. It has been demonstrated in the field under EPAÕs SITE
program. Hydrofracturing is a pilot-scale technology
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Other Resources and Demonstrations
See Hydraulic and Pneumatic Fracturing Demonstrated at U.S. Department of
Energy Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Ohio, and Department of Defense and
Commercial Sites, 1998. DOE/EM-0348.
See X-231A Demonstration of In-Situ Remediation of DNAPL Compounds in Low
Permeability Media by Soil Fracturing with Thermally Enhanced Mass Recovery or
Reactive Barrier Destruction, 1998. R.L.
Siegrist, et al. ORNL/TM—13534, NTIS: DE98058134.