California Center For Land Recycling
Contact: Mary Menees
Romany Hall
Blighted Land Throughout State to be Redeveloped
Four blighted sites throughout California are the target of the
California Center for Land Recycling (CCLR, Pronounced "see clear"), a
nonprofit organization recently formed to convert these abandoned,
underused, or contaminated properties (called brownfields) into
productive use.
A project of the Trust for Public Land (TPL), a national land
conservation organization headquartered in San Francisco, CCLR works with
community organizations, lenders, and regulators to redevelop brownfields
throughout the state. Their renewal revitalizes neighborhoods in already
urbanized centers, thereby preserving open space and habitat in
surrounding rural areas.
"The responsible redevelopment of brownfields is the greates
land-use challenge facing California and the nation," said CCLR's
Executive Director, George Brewster. "The redevelopment of these sites
will have a positive impact on the environment, local economies and the
people who live in these communities."
In collaboration with community groups, CCLR has selected the
following four projects:
South Fork Timber Industries, Mill Site, North Fork, CA
The North Fork Community Development Council, Inc., a coalition of
community groups, proposes to cleanup and redevelop an abandoned lumber
mill and convert it into mixed use development, public open space and
light industrial use.
Barrio Logan Metal Plating Shop Relocation, San Diego, CA
The Environmental Health Coalition proposes to relocate and
cleanup a two lot parcel now used for chrome platin in one of San Diego's
oldest and most historic residential neighborhoods. To date, there have
been over 150 environmental violations at this site.
Union Point Site, Oakland, CA
The Trust for Public Land and the Spanish Speaking Unity Council
in conjunction with other local community groups, including the Beacon
school, are working with the Port and City of Oakland and the University
of California Friends of Cal Crew to develop a nine-acre park on the
Oakland waterfront. Substantial interest on the part of residents of the
Fruitvale and San Antonio neighborhoods has driven the effort to create
needed recreational open space and public access to the waterfront.
Pemaco Chemical Plant Site, Los Angeles, CA
The Pemaco, Inc. site is a former chemical blending facility
which sits on 1.14 acres along the 51 mile Los Angeles River. The city of
Maywood is working with the Trust for Public Land to try to acquire the
site as part of the development of a river-side park, which will be a
part of the Los Angeles River Greenway.
"CCLR brings a wealth of expertise and support to the table. We
look forward to their assistance in bringing our project to fuition for
the benefit of the community," commented Ginnie Sterling, Executive
Director of the North Fork Community Development Council. "Without CCLR,
we would be unable to move forward."
CCLR provides services tailored to the needs of each project
including: facilitation, convening, technical assistance, grants, and
advisory services in the field of development feasibility, financial,
remediation and regulatory approvals, problem solving skills, seed
funding, and referrals. CCLR collaborates with communities, developers,
builders, financial partners, and project managers on residential,
mixed-use, commercial, and open space projects.
California is home to at least 30,000 brownfield sites existing
throughout the state. An estimated 500,000 of these properties exist