Ohio's Voluntary Action Program (fwd)

22 Sep 1997 16:06:01

From: MAUREEN BRENNAN <MBRENNEN@baker-hostetler.com>
Subject: Ohio's Voluntary Action Program (fwd)

Ohio's Brownfields law, the Voluntary Action Program, has been in
effect since 1994. The final rules promulgated under it were
effective September 30, 1996. A large steering committee was formed,
as required by the statute, representing a variety of stakeholders.
The job of the steering committee was to advise the Director of Ohio
EPA on the development of the rules. A significant group of
technical experts volunteered their time to develop both generic soil
cleanup standards for residential, commercial and industrial uses of
property. A risk-based cleanup standard can also be used if the
assumptions that form the basis of the generic standards differ
materially from the actual risk conditions at the property.

For statistics on the use of the Ohio program, people can get in
touch with Jenifer Kwasniewski, head of that section at Ohio EPA, at