Re: public health and brownfields

Career/Pro ( )
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:07:28 -0800 (PST)

From: Career/Pro <>

Public Health and Brownfields:

In response to John Lemmo of the Environmental Health Coalition's question,
I had the following example.

A most dramatic case of public health falling through the cracks is the New
York City school that was recently closed due to perchloroethylene (PERC)
contamination. This school was opened this year in a building that was a
former dry cleaning establsihment. This was intended to help alleviate the
problem of massive overcrowding of public schools. Inadequate testing was
done but recently unacceptably elevated levels of PERC was found in the
school. The children had to be evacuated and sent to other schools, all
far away from their homes. This is a classic example of a brownfield
redevelopment falling through the cracks.

I would like to once again remind everyone that I am working on putting
together a workshop on public health and brownfields. The tentative title
is "Redefining Public Health for Brownfields Neighborhoods" If anyone is
interested, please contact me. I would like to converse with you in person
as well as E-Mail. My phone number is 212-870-2077 or 908-932-4101 (ext
681). As I indicated, I am on sabbatical and am a Visiting Scholar at the
Rutger University Dept of Urban Studies and Community Health (and
Environmental and Occupational Health Science Institute).

Charles Lee
United Church of Christ
Commission for Racial Justice