From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Tue, 07 Jul 1998 15:58:31 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | Institutional Controls - AG's comments |
Below is a legal analysis of EPA's manual from the offices of some state attorneys general. Draft Institutional Controls: A Reference Manual Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on your Draft Reference Manual. EPA should be commended both for establishing a work group to deal with the issue of institutional controls as well as for developing the Reference Manual. Both should prove to be invaluable resources for EPA staff struggling with the very difficult issues associated with institutional controls. The Manual contains much useful information and, if consulted and followed, would significantly improve the current practice of using institutional controls in the CERCLA process. Particularly laudable is the Manual's emphasis on including the evaluation of institutional controls in the feasibility study for the site, and the need to perform very detailed analysis on the enforceability of the institutional control as well as the effectiveness of monitoring and funding of oversight activities over the long term. Clearly this is contrary to current practice where vague references to institutional controls tend to be referenced in a ROD, and where the long term funding and enforceability issues are never addressed. However, some suggestions for improving the document follow: 1. Although in parts of the Reference Manual, the work group recommends that EPA staff conduct thorough and detailed analysis of any institutional controls before including them in a selected remedy, other provisions recommend that ROD language providing for institutional controls be flexible. Without further explanation, these two recommendations could be interpreted to be at cross purposes. If, for example, a feasibility study thoroughly evaluates proprietary controls, applying the nine NCP remedy selection criteria, but EPA instead uses governmental controls, it is not clear that an adequate record would be created to support the reliance on governmental controls. The Manual should therefore clarify that any institutional controls ultimately relied upon must be evaluated in the feasibility study and found to be appropriate in the ROD. In addition, there are downsides to having vague and flexible language in the ROD. In particular, the less explicit the language, the more difficult to enforce. Many assistant attorneys general believe it preferable to identify contingent remedies in the ROD. Such an approach would not only create a better record demonstrating the protectiveness of the selected remedy, but it would also improve the ability of a regulatory agency to enforce institutional control provisions in the ROD. 2. The discussions regarding traditional common law problems with many of the proprietary institutional controls should more clearly reflect the fact that these issues are unsettled. The Manual creates the impression that these common law problems no longer exist. Such conclusions greatly overstate the degree of certainty that can be assumed. The Manual should acknowledge that the conclusions of the workgroup are mere speculation - perhaps correct, perhaps well-reasoned, but still speculation. Although a discussion of the proposed restatement language, and the anticipated successful litigation strategies and arguments to support the use of use restrictions is appropriate to include in the Manual, these views should be presented as predictions, not as uncontroverted representations of the current state of the law. To strengthen your argument you might discuss the rate at which proposed restatement provisions have historically been adopted by the judiciary. If their track record is good, your argument would be somewhat more persuasive. It should be noted, however, that state assistant attorneys general who have researched the issue have reached the opposite conclusion, and are very concerned about the enforceability of such deed restrictions. For example, the second sentence in the third paragraph of page 20th and the second sentence in the second full paragraph on page 21 underestimate the current legal impediments and should be deleted. In addition, certain impediments such as the need for privity and the possible invalidity of easements in gross are given extremely short shrift. In most states the enforceability of easements in gross was sufficiently questionable that legislatures felt compelled to pass statues creating conservation easements. These laws were passed approximately 10 years ago, and many specifically state that legislation was desirable as the judiciary had not defined such easements. 3. The Manual discusses the possibility of allowing local government entities or third parties to enforce institutional controls. It does not discuss the fact that this would result in a delegation of regulatory enforcement authority to such third parties and local entities. Such delegation has traditionally been considered extremely problematic to say the least. How can EPA ensure the protectiveness of the remedy if it does not have the authority to enforce such institutional controls? 4. One issue that is not addressed by the Manual at all is the substance of institutional controls, i.e., how to describe uses that would be restricted. The current practice tends to rely upon zoning categories; for example, commercial, industrial, residential, and open space. However, such categories do not necessarily reflect exposures. EPA should encourage interaction between program managers and risk assessors to define acceptable exposures at any site at which institutional controls are used. For example, a land use restriction that allows only commercial development would not necessarily preclude the construction of a day care facility or a hospital even though such uses would result in exposures far beyond those found to be acceptable in a risk assessment conducted for the site. 5. In several sections of the Manual, the work group discusses takings and compensation issues. Although it is appropriate to identify the issue, the discussions of these issues should indicate that takings would not necessarily occur and compensation would not necessarily be required. The current language implies that any time a regulator imposes a use restriction, such restriction would effect a takings. The current state of the law, however, does not support such a conclusion. Rather, some case law indicates that it is the contamination, and not the regulatory action, that effects the loss of use and value. 6. On page 9 the Manual states that a notice placed by a land owner would not be effective without a transfer of the property because the landowner could unilaterally remove the notice. This paragraph should be revised to acknowledge that if a land owner were required by an administrative order or consent decree to put such a notice in the real property records, unilateral removal of such a notice would constitute a violation of the order or the consent decree and would subject the land owner to penalties. 7. On page 10 the work group states that "in some cases the terms of the consent decree might be construed as the conveyance of a property interest so as to be binding against subsequent purchasers as well." The manual does not explain under what circumstances such an interpretation would be allowed. Further discussion of this issue would be useful. 8. The general consensus of regulators and commentators examining the issue of institutional controls is that all institutional controls are problematic, and that, therefore, redundancy is the preferred approach. The need for redundancy should be discussed in the Manual. 9. The Manual does not discuss use restrictions on ground water. Institutional controls for ground water create additional thorny problems, especially in western states. Because restrictions on the use of ground water are some of the most frequently used institutional controls, the work group should specifically and comprehensively address the problems with such institutional controls. -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/968-1126 |
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