1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: John E Sheer <jsheer@umaryland.edu>
Date: 14 Jul 1998 11:34:09
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Brownfields in Maryland: A Citizen's Manual
 The University of Maryland Environmental Law Clinic is proud to
announce the Second Edition of "Brownfields in Maryland:  A Citizen's
Guide to the Maryland Voluntary Cleanup Program."  As some of you may
remember, a notice was posted this past April announcing "A Citizen's
Conference on Brownfield Cleanup."  The Conference was hosted by the
Cleanup Coalition, a new environmental group established to track the
implementation of the Voluntary Cleanup Program in Maryland, in 
collaboration with the University of Maryland Environmental Law Clinic.
The Clinic published the first edition of the manual for purposes of
educating participants at the Conference.  Since the Conference and the
manual were such great successes we have published a second edition by
popular demand.

 While concentrating on Maryland's Voluntary Cleanup Program, the
manual may offer some insights into public participation opportunities for
interested citizens in other states with voluntary cleanup programs or for
citizens in states considering enacting such a program.  If you would like
a copy of the manual, please send a $5 check or money order (for each
copy), payable to the "Maryland Environmental Society" to cover the
production and shipping costs.  Please send your payment to the following

  Laura Mrozek   The University of Maryland School of Law
  500 West Baltimore Street
  Baltimore, Maryland 21201

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