From: | Charles Dilks <> |
Date: | 16 Jul 1998 10:19:22 |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop |
Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop - Early Registration Deadline Extended The Council for Urban Economic Development (CUED) is hosting a workshop on productively reusing brownfields. The workshop will be held in Denver, Colorado, on August 6-7, 1998. Because of the delay in getting information to you about the workshop, CUED is extending the early registration deadline until Wednesday, July 22. This means that CUED members can attend the workshop for only $105 and non-members can attend for $115. In order to take advantage of this unique opportunity, sign up soon!! After the 22nd, registration fees are $145 for CUED members and $160 for non-members. To register, contact CUED by phone (202-223-4735) or fill out the registration form provided and mail it to: The Council for Urban Economic Development Attention: Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop 1730 K Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20006 Or, fax your registration form to (202) 223-4745. Payment must follow. Workshop Registration Form YES! Please enroll me in CUED's Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop Name ______________________________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________________________ Organization _________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________ Phone No. ________________________ Fax No. ___________________________ e-mail ___________________________ Website ____________________________ Amount Enclosed $____________________________________________________ (Please check one of the following) _ Check or money order (payable to the Council for Urban Economic Development) _ Visa _ Mastercard _ American Express Card Number _______________________ Expiration Date ____________________ Cardholder's Name ____________________________________________________ Cardholder's Signature _________________________________________________ The workshop will be held at the Denver Marriott City Center located at 1701 California Street. The Denver Marriott City Center has set aside rooms for workshop attendees at a special rate of $109 for a single or double occupancy per night. To take advantage of this reduced rate, call the hotel at (303) 297-1300 before Friday, July 17, 1998 and mention that you are part of CUED's brownfields workshop. After July 17, reservations will be accepted on a space- and rate- available basis. For additional information, contact CUED at (202) 223-4735. The fax number at CUED is (202) 223-4745. | |
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