1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Barbara Coler" <BColer@dtsc.ca.gov>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:20:01 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Brownfields Statistics -Reply

There are no data on this.  In fact, the estimate is more of a
"guesstimate" and is not considered to be valid by states.  States do not
typically compile lists of brownfields, most state inventories are arranged
according to whether a site is a confirmed site or merely suspected of
such.  Data collection and updating specs are not consistent between
states.   Also, in some states, such as in CA, other State and numerous
local agencies also maintain inventories.  The definition of "brownfield"
is not universally adopted, e.g, US EPA's definition does not include
petroleum release sites which many states do include within their definition. 

Therefore, there would not be a defensible response to your question.
Instead, it is well known that more than 42 states have developed voluntary
programs which have addressed a great % of brownfields across the country.
Some states have developed specific financing incentives which have
facilitated cleanup and reuse.  Some have developed programs which provide
some liability relief.  I suggest emphasizing the programs that have been
developed (rather than focusing on numbers) and would strongly suggest that
the states have been the primary agencies which facilitate cleanup of
brownfields.  US EPA is limited to National Priority List sites and some
other sites of federal interest, a very limited number of sites. I hope
this provides some ideas that may be useful in finalizing your thesis.

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